Chapter 23 ~Encountering Gaara's Team~

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"Kids from the Sand challenging us straight on..."

" quite foolish."

"Nevermind. I want to watch." I said, out of the blue, and sat down, watching him. Knowing how he actually fights will be an advantage to me. The girl kept an eye on me, obviously not trusting me at all.

"There." I said as I dragged my butt a meter away from them, removing my mask as well.

"What is that small kid thinking challenging those guys? *followed by his dog's whimper* *gasps*"

"What did Akamaru say?"

"He's saying that the big guy is dangerous."

"Hey, kid. You should be more careful in picking your opponents. *smirks* You're all going to die." The one who looks like the leader said.

What an ego! He doesn't look that tough. I can shred him into pieces if I want to!

"Damn. Shut the hell up, and start fighting already. Stupid egoistic no-bite-and-just-bark people." I said, causing the three to look at me.

"Cut the chatter. Let's fight.... Old man from the Hidden Village of Rain." He said, making me smirk. That's what I wanted to hear.

"Hey, Gaara! Shouldn't we follow them, and gather some information before we pick a fight? If they have the same scroll as us, there's no need for us to fight. Unnecessary fights are—"

"It doesn't matter. *old leader gasps* I'll kill everyone we encounter." He said, cutting the gay kitty with make-up. Hahaha! That reminds me of the old days!

"Then let's do this!" The old leader guy said, holding the weird things poking out from his back. What are those? Wooden sticks? Hahaaha! Oh wait.... They're umbrellas! HAHAHAHA! How hilarious! Is it going to rain or something? Hahahahaha!

"W-What's funny?" The girl, who looks kind of shy and fragile, asked as she looked at me. Nah. All of them are looking weirdly at me.

"Don't you think that using umbrellas during a fight is pretty dumb? Hahaha!" I said, and burst out laughing. They probably noticed me because I was stopping myself from laughing awhile ago. And believe me, it must've looked so stupid.

"You shouldn't underestimate him. Akamaru can sense his chakra."

"As if I give a damn! I can cut him into pieces, and make a curry out of him if I want to!" I said, smirking. That reminds me of the blonde girl I despise. Human curry sounds good.

My attention went back to the fight. The old leader threw the umbrellas high in the air, and the gay kitty gasped, stepping back a bit. What's so scary about those umbrellas? It's not like it will all charge towards them, and stab them, right? That would be so stupid.

"Die, kid! Ninpou Jouro senbon (Sprinkling Needles)!" Old leader said, weaving a single handsign, and the still-open umbrellas started to rotate in an amazing speed, releasing needles. Oh look, it's raining needles. How cute.

"This strikes from above, below, left, and right. There's no escape. The needles are also regulated with my chakra, and will attack the target!" He said, and the needles went dashing towards the three, sending clouds of smoke surround the place because of their impact with the dusty ground. The old leader has a smirk on his face, but it immediately dropped when the smoke disappeared, revealing him inside a kind of ball-like shield made of sand, needles poking in every space available. That reminds me of a sandy porcupine.

"Is that it?"

I see.... He can shield himself even from attacks in every direction. That's great.

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