Chapter 9 ~Getting Caught By Them~

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"I'll tell you how to avenge your family easier and faster. Just promise me that you won't attack me while I'm doing so."


"You won't take the offer..? That's one big mistake." I glared at him as I held my knife tightly, causing my knuckles to turn white. Not completely though.... But still white. Anyway, I'm currently sitting on the floor, glaring at the man in front of me. Let me tell you what happened awhile ago, I barged to his room, and locked the door.... Nah, let that pass, you know that already. Let's skip it. When he got shock because I stopped this genjutsu thing of his, that's what he said, and I had no idea, he suddenly asked me why I hurt and kill people just like that without any hesitation nor regret. I told him that I would avenge my family, and right now, he kept on blabbering about this easy way. I don't believe him. He's just doing this to earn my trust. Well, too bad, I don't trust anyone anymore. He even told me not to attack him while he's saying this easy way thing! He's just obviously scared out of his wits.

And oh, I forgot to tell you that he already gave me my things back. He was the one who had it all the time. That's why, he stayed here in his room, and guarded my things, which was hidden in his closet.

"You're just scared. Admit it, you coward." I insulted with no emotion whatsoever while cleaning the blade of my knife using a random cloth I found somewhere.

"I'm not scared. To be honest, I just want to help you avenge your family, and tell you the easy way to do so. While I tell you this, I bet that you wouldn't let this opportunity slip away, and just attack me. I'm not stupid enough to let that happen."

"Oh, I thought you were." And there goes my lame comeback.

"So? What do you say..?"

I gave him a hard look, and he just stared right back at me without blinking. Should I believe him? I don't want to, but.... Do I need to? I know that I can avenge my family myself, and don't need anyone's help, but I'm hesitating whether to agree or not. I'll just kill this man. Period.


Sounds of blades colliding with each other filled the room for a split second. I suddenly attacked him with my knife, but he ended up blocking it with his own metal knife thing, causing me to grit my teeth.

I was about to kick him when he held my foot, and....



I painfully stood up, and held my knife tightly. He literally threw me!! That caused me to hit and destroy his wall. Dammit. It's not like I care or anything, but aaargh!! This freaking hurts. My back is in pain. Why is he different from the others? Or is it just..... Me? Did I get weaker?

My eyes looked at the direction of the door when it suddenly got destroyed by them. The freak guy, along with his freaky minions. How can I beat them if I can't beat one?

"This is what I least expected." I muttered under my breath, and remained my guard up. The freaky guys surrounded me, and now, they're in a circle around me. What the hell? What's their problem? If only I could fly, and kick their faces 'cause aaargh!! They're so freaking tall!

"I'm still not done with you, little girl." The freak guy said, and was about to hold me when I took out my knife, and threatened him.

"Get nearer, and your freaky hand will separate from your freaky body, you freak." This made his face harden.

"Ooooohh..... Feisty." I heard the old hag comment, and I gave him a death glare. I swear, if only glares could kill, they'd all be probably dead by now.

"Feisty your old face, you old hag." He seemed upset. Oh..... He's pissed off. Yeah. That's the right term.

"Who you callin' an old hag, b*tch?!!" He yelled, and took his red triple-bladed scythe thing, which I didn't notice awhile ago. Ooohhhh..... Very scary. Oh no! I peed my pants! Pfft wahahahha!! How pathetic! That's a child's toy!! Wahahaha!!

"Why are you smirking?" The cutie said, and I just released a deep mocking chuckle.

"I just didn't know that Grandpa over here could be so stupid. Oh yes! He's very old anyway, so it must've gotten into his old rotting brain."

"I'll sacrifice you to Lord Jashin!" He yelled, and suddenly swung his scythe, just for me to block it with my knife.

"No thanks." I commented shortly. The old hag swung his scythe once more, and I ducked, held my knife tightly, and dashed towards him, still bending low a bit. My smirk widened when my knife was about to pierce Grandpa's stomach. It immediately dropped though when a hand held my foot, causing me to lose balance, and fall right on him. Just..... Ugh.

"You stink." When those words left my mouth, I lifted myself up, and looked at Grandpa straight in the eyes, then, in a flash, I sliced his hand off.

He blabbered curses, and while he was doing so, I stood up, stepping on his stomach on purpose in the process, and tried to escape. Tried. Since I fell on him awhile ago, we ended up crashing on the floor, and what I did happened in a split second. The lift-myself-up-and-slice-his-hand-off thing? Yeah. Just a split second.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shark freak asked, and grinned, his sharp teeth showing.

"None of your business. And if I were you, I would return back to where I came from because I don't want to get cooked, and get eaten like you would do." I spat out, and he just scowled, getting his giant bandaged sword from his back, it was strapped awhile ago.

"You made Samehada angry, girl. Too bad, he's hungry right now." He said, his smirk returning back.

"I don't give a damn." I said back, and tried to get out of the circle they made once more.

"Get her, Kakuzu."

A gasp escaped my lips when something unexpectedly held my stomach. It held my wrists, and feet, too. These are like threads!! More of these twirled itself around my legs, arms, and stomach, and lifted me high up in the air. I kept on struggling, but it was no use. It's too strong.

"Let go of me!! What the hell do you want?!! Just let me go, damn freaks!!"

"She still managed to insult us even though she has already been caught. This is one heck of a girl." Cutie said.

Too tight...... It wrapped itself around my neck as well, and got tighter. Dammit! I can't breathe anymore! I tried my best to gasp for air, and it's getting really difficult.

They seemed to notice my silence, and looked at me.

"Kakuzu! What the heck, man?! Don't tighten it too much! She can't breathe!" Blondie said. Does.... Does he care for me? I painfully opened my eye, which was close with the other awhile ago, and glanced at the said blond-head. Does he care?

"That's what she deserves! Now, payback time!" The old hag exclaimed, and was about to slice me in half when freak guy stopped him. He has his hand back. How did he....?

"Stop. She could be useful to us."

"D-Damn you..!! I-I'm not a t-tool- Ah!!" I closed my eyes shut again. The threads are getting tighter! I feel like I'm getting sliced! Blood started to trickle down the threads, and onto the floor. I'm wounded already. I couldn't believe that there are powerful freaks like them.

"From now on, you'll be a member of this organization. The others will train you more, and teach you different techniques." He walked out of the room after that, someone trailing behind him. I knew that because I heard them walk away, and close the door.

"I can sacrifice her now, I guess."

I started to get dizzy. I'm out of air.... My knife slipped from my hand as darkness engulfed me.

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