Chapter 39 ~Unexpected Events~

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Kou's POV

I frantically looked around and saw both Temari and Kankuro down on the fighting area. It's very confusing right now. I don't know what's happening. The only thing I know is.... MY FREAKING MATCH WILL ONLY EXIST IN MY FREAKING DREAMS!! Nevermind that. I must know what's going on first before anything else.

Once again, I scanned my surroundings and saw three people in front of Kakashi and the other green freak. What am I supposed to freaking do?! Ugh! Damn. I teleported, appearing mid-air and was about to attack those three people when they dodged me and my weapon. This caused me to end up crashing on the ground. The hell. I lost my freaking focus. Whatever. I immediately stood back up and stared at Kakashi.

"Tell me. What's happening right now and what am I supposed to do?"

Kakashi and that green freak looked at each other. So?! Come on! Answer me!! This is pointless. Damn.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, full of sarcasm, and jumped over the railings. When I landed gracefully on the ground, my feet brought me to Gaara and his siblings.

"Gaara? What the hell's going on, Temari? Kankuro? Can anyone please explain it to me?!!?" I yelled but received nothing..... Again. There's a weird violet box-like thing surrounding the place where the Hokage and the other gay dude who wears a dress at the moment. Sasuke's also confused like me. Gaara's holding his head while making weird sounds, maybe he's in pain. Anyway, the proctor stick's standing in front of the jerky show-off and the one who almost killed the real proctor of the final exam, Gaara's sensei, stood right in front with his back facing us. I tightly held my scissors and attacked the toilet paper dude. Of course, he managed to block this with his own kunai knife. He was obviously surprised though because I know that they can't sense me and he wasn't expecting that.

"Kou, what are you doing?!" Kankuro asked from behind me and I just swung my foot to kick the dude on the stomach when he held my ankle with his other hand. Without any hesitation, I swung my other foot and was about to kick him when he jumped back, dodging it.

"I think you already know the reason why, Kankuro. This bastard stabbed me and he should pay for it. Also, you probably had someone with you who killed the real proctor of the final exam when he was about to escape, right? It doesn't matter anymore though. Tell me what's going on and I'll change my mind." I said without any emotion while pointing my scissors at the toilet paper dude.

Temari's POV

Baki-sensei told us to take Gaara with us and patch up his wounds. That's when Kou jumped from the area above and decided to attack him. What should we do to her then? She'll definitely get in our way. We have to make Gaara do his part no matter what. That's the only way to make this operation as a success. How about Kou? If we tell our plan, she'll fight us and defend this village. Maybe.... Maybe she'll join us? No. Impossible. She'll hate us for this but we have no choice.

"Let's leave them here. Come on, Kankuro." I said and we took off with Gaara.

Kou's POV

"Wait.... What the hell?! Wait for me!! Where are you going?!" I yelled and followed the three. Damn! The situation's confusing as hell! Maybe something or someone attacked? But what? Who? Who am I supposed to fight? Who's the enemy?

But wait.... I abruptly stopped running and looked back.


The proctor stick said something about the Chunin Exams ending right here. He also said something about this being the real thing and not a match. Man. I don't understand a thing. Should I follow the three or should I stay here with Sasuke? My eyes widened when the said show-off started to run towards me. I teleported and appeared beside Sasuke, blocking the kunai knives thrown by that stupid toilet paper dude using my scissors and catching one of it. This'll be handy. Anyway, I followed the show-off and remained hot on his heels.

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