Chapter 31 ~Fakers On The Go!~

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Kabuto's POV

"What the freaking hell do you think you're doing?"

My eyes widened when I felt something cold touching my neck. I looked behind me, and saw the masked girl, who was with Sasuke, and the others last time. I didn't sense her coming at all. I didn't even feel her chakra.

"I know that there's something fishy coming from you since the time we met. You promoted cards, and gave out informations. Why? You know that by insulting them, you would get attacked, but you still did, you would be deaf right now if it wasn't for me. Why? You suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and stopped Naruto from opening the scroll. Why? You stayed with us on the way to the tower. Why? You fought with us, and even helped us. Why? Huh.... No stranger would bother to even think of doing that. I knew it. You were planning something all along from the very start."

"Pretty sharp for a little girl like you." I said bluntly, and she deepened her scissors on my neck, making me grit my teeth in pain. Blood trickled down from my fresh wound, and I just stood aside.

"Okay. Okay. I give up. You got me." I said while raising my hands.


I took my mask off, and faced Sasuke. He looks a lot better like that.... Sleeping with an innocent face, unlike when he's awake...... Always glaring at everything.

My weapon collided with the small knife the old man was holding awhile ago. I faced him again, and glared. I knew it. A guy like him shouldn't be trusted. He's just an old fake guy.

"Now.... Answer me. What do you need from Sasuke?" I asked seriously, and my eyes remained digging holes in his.

"You're asking me that? Only you? How pathetic. Are you not afraid to fight me? You're just merely a little girl who knows nothing."

"This little girl you're talking about can kick your ass, and shove her scissors down your throat if she wants to. You underestimate her too much. Look at yourself. You don't even look that tough. Some old guy with freaky nerdy glasses. How tough is that?" I said back with a smirk, and he just glared at me, but smirked afterwards.

"I should probably kill you as well. You got the same mark on your shoulder, and you're just getting in my way."

"Go ahead, and try. Break a leg." Literally, old man.

"I don't think so. Not after me." I looked at the door, and saw Kakashi. Good timing. I'm not really in the mood to fight some old faker. Oh yes. Awhile ago, during the old man's speeches about the last exam, I got bored, so I teleported to where Sasuke is, and my technique brought me here. I was surprised at first because of the masked men lying unconsciously on the ground, but when I saw Kabuto with a small knife, and was beside Sasuke's bed, that made me mad.

"You better go home." Kakashi said while looking at me, and I just raised my eyebrow.

"I went here to drag Sasuke home with me." Sounds a bit wrong, but it's true anyway. I'm planning on telling him my name sooner or later because I already trust him.

"Sasuke still needs to rest."

"Fine. I'll visit some other time. And hey, Kakashi.... *Kakashi looks* Kick this *points at Kabuto* creepy faker's butt for me, will you? I'm looking forward on that. Well, bye bye!" I said, and teleported.


"Hi. I'm back. What's up?" I asked, and looked at the others.

"You're number 10." The old man said, and I just stared at him with a confused face.

"What's the number for?"

"Who am I going to fight?"

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