Chapter 2 ~A Fight With A Boy In My Age~

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I'm lying down on a branch of a random tree right now while those stupid ninjas do their search inside that filthy village all night. Yeah. The sun's already down, and I'm starving. I'd been staying here for hours to avoid getting caught. Since they are so dumb, they didn't even bother searching for me in here.

"I knew it."

I swung my knife..... Only to be blocked by another pointed weapon. I sat up, and faced my side. There, I saw a boy in my age. He has black hair, and black eyes.

"You know what? You just wasted your life...... Kid."

"Don't underestimate me." He said back, and unexpectedly kicked me on the stomach, causing me to fall off the branch. He was standing on a higher branch awhile ago. Good thing, I sensed him coming before he can even land a blow on me.

I landed on the ground without a single sound, and dodged the knives thrown by the boy. Then, he jumped down as well.

I hid in the bushes without him noticing, and stayed low. He won't find me here. It's already dark, and I'm wearing my black coat. It's not like I'm removing this anyway.

When I was about to peek through the bushes, a pointed thing pointed itself at my neck, making me gasp, and back away, leaning on a tree afterwards.

"No matter how good you are in hiding, you won't be able to hide from me."

What the? His eyes are now blazing red! It has two dot things in it as well! This must be the Sharingan father was talking about last time. The boy went through the bushes, and went nearer to me, so as his weapon. Dammit. What to do?

"You can't escape right now. You're trapped." He said with a smirk, putting me in a cage using himself. Yeah. I'm trapped alright, and he's near. Too near. Our faces are an inch away from each other, and his knife already gave me a light wound on the neck. It's bleeding.

"Now, tell me. Who are you, and what is your purpose?"

"I'm no one, and my purpose is none of your concern." I hissed in pain when he deepened the knife. I'm going to kill you.

"You're dead!"

His eyes widened, and immediately blocked my knife. Tsk. He saw that coming? I was about to slice his head off already! Ugh!

I kicked him on the stomach, but he left a long deep slice on my neck, and it's bleeding, before flying backwards. I looked at my bloody hand, and held my wound again, standing up, and running away. It's hard..... To breathe... And it freaking hurts!!


I just tripped myself.

"How stupid....." I muttered, panting.

A yelp escaped my mouth when I felt a metal pierce my right leg. Damn! Not the leg!! How can I run right now?! I swear I'm going to kill that stupid boy!

I rolled around, and gasped, seeing the boy on top of me. He's pissing me off.

"Just surrender, and I won't hurt you anymore." He said, and my eye just twitched.

"Surrender your face!!" I yelled, and kneed him hard on the..... Down part..... Making him cry in pain while holding it. Well, not literally cry, like yelp or something.

I immediately scrambled to my feet, but it was an utter fail because pain shot up through my right leg, making me kiss the ground once more.

I tried to stand up again, and yeah. I managed to, but I swayed a bit. I'm getting dizzy. I lost too much blood, and it's not a good thing.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Hearing this, I ran, but it was obviously slow because of my condition.

The boy soon caught up, and stood in front of me, blocking my way.

"Get out of my way or else I'll kill you." I threatened, but it was no avail, it just made him smirk.

"Where is this I'll kill you part huh? You'd been saying that several times, but nothing's happening."

"You asked for it!" I growled, and swung my knife, but he dodged, and attacked me. I bit my lip when he deepened the knife in my stomach. Why am I so weak this time? He's just a kid! Why can't I kill him?!

I took this opportunity, and stabbed him as well. I was aiming for his heart, but my knife ended up in the middle of his stomach and chest. This is stupid. I deepened the knife, and twisted it, making him release a scream.

"Die, you stupid boy." I panted, and pulled my knife harshly. He fell down, and held his bleeding wound. As for me, I removed the knife stuck in my stomach, and threw it away, running towards who-knows-where.

I don't know how long I was running, but I kept on forcing myself to do so. I don't care if I left a trail of blood behind me. I just want to get out of here, and rest.

My sight started to blur as blood trickled down my chin.

I tripped on a rock, and face-planted the ground, that's when my body gave up, and lost consciousness.

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