Chapter 3 ~Back To The Village~

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I slowly opened my eyes, and the sun greeted me, causing me to close it again. That hurts.

"I'm starving....." I muttered to myself as I slowly stood up, holding my wound. It's already dry, and I think.... It's infected, but it doesn't hurt that much anymore.

I picked up my knife, which was on the ground, and went on walking.... Asking me where I'm going? Back to that stupid village. I'll just get something to eat, and kill a few ninjas that get in my way. No one's going to piss me off anymore because that boy's probably dead. I left him there to die of blood loss, so yeah.

Sasuke's POV

"Now, tell me what happened...." Kakashi-sensei said, and Sakura punched her palm.

"I'm going to get that person who did this to you!!" She yelled with flames in her eyes, making me sweatdrop.

"Sasuke, you baka, start talking." Woah. It's first time for Naruto to be all serious like this.

"Alright alright...."

"When I heard about the search for a trespasser or something, and about what happened to you, Kakashi-sensei, I went outside to look for this person. It's because.... I think that she'd be there to hide. She was there. I saw her lying on a branch of a tree, and I attacked her. It turned into a fight, and I managed to wound her on the neck, right leg, and stomach. She did this though, and escaped. I bet she'll die anyway because of her wounds." I said, looking at the window.

"Wait wait wait..... She?" Naruto asked, and I shifted my gaze, looking at him.

"Yeah. It's a girl in our age. I think she's a bit younger though."

"Oh my!! That girl's crazy! How can she do this?! How can she handle knives, and how can she wound people just like that?!" Sakura asked, obviously scared out of her wits.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you okay now?" I asked, and the said man nodded.

"It healed quickly." He added.

We all looked at Naruto, who just stood up out of a sudden. Then, he walked out. Our eyes just widened. Don't tell me...?

"I think I know what he's going to do. I'll be right back, Sasuke. Sakura, stay here, and guard him." Kakashi-sensei said, and Sakura nodded.

"Of course, sensei..!!"

Naruto's POV

We really need to capture her. What if she's still alive, and go back here? Many people would be in trouble. I need to find her. I must.


I turned around, and saw Kakashi-sensei running towards me.

"What's up, Kakashi-sensei?"

"Don't you dare go out of the village. Let the chunins, and jounins handle this." He said, and I looked away.

"I won't promise anything....." I said under my breath, and walked towards my house, leaving Kakashi-sensei behind.

I'm going to think about it....

Sakura's POV

"Sasuke-kun..?" I called out, and the said man just looked at me.

"How did that girl manage to stab you? I mean, you always fight back, right?" I asked, and Sasuke just sighed.

"She's strong. I already wounded her neck, leg, and even her stomach, and I thought that she won't be able to move anymore, but I was wrong. I got surprised when she stabbed me full-force. She even twisted the knife." He said, and placed a hand below his chest, where his bandaged wound is.

"Do you think.... She's a ninja?"

"No. I don't think so. If she's a ninja, she would use her chakra to attack, but she didn't even use a part of it. She just used her own body, and her only weapon."

I stared worriedly at Sasuke. He almost died because of her. What if she survived, and return in here? We'll all be in trouble. She's no ordinary girl. She's dangerous. I have to do something about this. I have to protect Sasuke, and all the people in here.

"Don't even think of joining this, Sakura. You'll just die." I lowered my head. Is she so powerful that she made Sasuke say things so blunt like this? Sasuke was never like this. He doesn't let others win. But I think.... He already gave up on this one. A mere little girl.


I glared at the village, and stabbed the branch I'm currently standing on.

"I'll wait for the right time. I'll kill you all one by one......."

"You ninjas......"

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