Chapter 51 ~A/N: Short Continuation~

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Kou's POV

Maybe my decision was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe I shouldn't team up with such freaks. I mean, there's no actual proof or evidence that they can be trusted. I don't even freaking know if that snake freak can bring my family back to me!! What if he couldn't? Bringing people back to life is a power of a God for freak's sake!! He isn't a God! He's very far from being one! He's nothing but a snake!

Wait.... I can't believe that I'm thinking about that while a very amusing situation is happening right in front of me. Maybe I'm just anxious or something. I'm feeling bugged.

Anyway, let's go back to reality. Naruto's technique was powerful enough to make that four-eyed faker fly away backwards, and just as he did, the force and energy destroyed the ground below him, leaving a deep trail in front of him like someone purposely dug it. That faker immediately got dragged, and he crashed onto a huge ass rock while leaving a huge perfect crater on it. There was smoke everywhere, but it quickly disappeared.

"Oh well, I was too dumbfounded by that powerful technique and wasn't able to save my best pal over there. I offer my greatest condolence for your loss, snake." I said to the snake freak, but it seemed like I said it to particularly no one because that bastard is really far away from me.

"I better get out of here. Oh wait...." I grinned widely and looked at the blonde-head. My feet brought me closer to her, but Naruto held out his hand, blocking that blondie from me.

"I should finish my business with her, Naruto. Get out of the way." I spat out with a glare.

"No! You must stop this!! Hurting others won't give you anything! Believe it!!"

...... Silence........

I groaned in annoyance and released a long sigh of defeat, not wanting to push further anymore. I'm getting bored and seriously not in the mood already. They need this blondie for something anyway, and maybe I should just head home.


I was about to walk away from the area, but my eyes darted back, staring at the unconscious Naruto on the ground in front of the blondie.

"He's dead...?" I mumbled under my breath.

Seeing his awful condition makes my heart beat irregularly faster. I gritted my teeth and stomped angrily towards the freaking faker who's now lying face-first on the ground. I don't know why, but.... I can't stand losing my friends as well. I know that I thought of following this four-eyed freak's orders for the tiny chance of seeing my family again which means taking the unbelievable dare of killing Naruto, but I just can't. My mind's confused, but there's one thing that I don't want to happen. I don't want to lose the people who accepted me for who I am and gave me another reason to continue my life.

"What the hell did you freaking do to him?" I asked in a low tone, holding the faker's hair and forcefully pulling his head up. He painfully glared at me in response, but smirked right after.

"It's too late for him now. Even with her powers, he still won't be able to make it." Faker said, and I pointed a finger directly at his face, anger present in my features.

"My friend is going to freaking live. Nobody can kill him."

"Tell your stupid boss that I'm not interested anymore." I said and teleported away from the scene.

It's the coward's way out.... But I can't stand seeing them. I know that Naruto will make it. I just can't continue watching such events anymore.

And oh, I sealed my mark again and returned back to normal. My scissors also shrunk to its normal size.

I looked around and sighed.

I'm back in the village.


"Fvcking bored....." I muttered to myself while staring at the stars. I'm currently lying down on the roof with my hands behind my head. I took a nap a while ago after I teleported back here because I was seriously drained from all those tiring events. I was mentally and physically tired..... And now, I'm so freaking bored out of my mind. That freaking show-off is still incubated like a freaking baby in his freaking room.

"Pffft.... Incubated. Hahhahaha......" I laughed softly, getting a bit bothered by my hilarious thoughts.

I should just steal some snacks and food for dinner and stay on someone's roof for tonight.... Since I'm about to die from boredom.

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