The Beginning

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"Father, please don't let me go" said Arthur while crying next to his dying father.
"I will always be here" said Gabriel as he coughed and smiled and put his hand softly on his son's face "the bathroom tiles have my soul and life"
Those were Gabriel's last words to his son.
Arthur didn't think about it, he just burst into tears on his father's hand. Arthur's wife, Elena, hugged him to comfort him.
Arthur made his father's funeral the way Gabriel wanted it, and his father's last words made him sink into an endless ocean of thoughts, no one was at the funeral but him, his wife and her mother holding Arthur's son. As Arthur entered the house again in grief, seeing all of his father's belongings but that wasn't the reason he went to his father's house. He started walking towards the bathroom, wanting to know what his father meant by saying "my soul and life are in those tiles"
As Arthur entered the bathroom as quite as possible, he started looking at the tiles of the bathroom, he found something that only a person as sharp as he is would find, even if someone as sharp as Arthur was in the bathroom they wouldn't have noticed if they weren't looking for something specific. It was a very small space between that one tile, and the ground, it made it a little higher, although it was solid, and sticking to the ground, you needed something to take it off with, that's what Arthur did, he used a knife, and what did he find? A notebook.
Arthur thought out loud before he had opened it "let's hope this is a book about reviving people, dad"
As he opened the notebook, he found a child's handwriting, and he read the words "The diary of Gabriel" Arthur read those words, and started crying, and closed the notebook again, he thought about his father's past, the one thing that he never actually knew about his father, because all he had was stories from other people that was usually wrong. Arthur took the notebook, and went back to his house, and kissed his four year old son, and his wife, and went to sleep, after he put his father's diary under his pillow. The next day Arthur went to the police station and did his shift and went back to grief on his dead father, and he did it in silence, and also to read the diary that he left him. After Arthur took his shower and put on his reading glasses he just laid down and put the notebook on his chest he was sad but yet he had a very little spark of happiness that his father left him something special, Arthur started reading from the beginning again

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