Bruce | Again

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Your hands met at the intended item. You looked at him and he looked back at you. "Got it - "

"Put your hands up!" you heard the police call. You immediately removed your hand from the item, letting him take the blame.

"Oh no you don't. If I'm going down, you're coming down with me," he said, throwing it at you.

And that was your first time in prison, and your first encounter with Bruce Banner.


There was a tapping on your cell door. You looked up to see a guard opening it. "You're allowed to go," he said.

You looked at him, frowning. "What?"

"You're time is up."

No it wasn't. Maybe this was a mix up.

You stood up. "Right. Let's go then."

He led you out, some of the other prisoners yelling obscene words at you. You were given a change of clothes, time to change, and then you were sent out.

For the first time since you'd gone in, you saw the front gates. And they opened.

You hurried, rushing the guard this time. The moment your foot crossed the threshold, you were a free woman. Freedom had never felt so strange... or so good. You were subtly surprised, and even more so when a sports car pulled up. Inside, a woman with straight red hair and sunglasses to cover her eyes and most likely her identity. You scanned what you could see of her. You saw a gun. Well crap. Was she sent here to kill you? After fifteen years in prison, she was clearly just teasing you. Letting you taste freedom before ending you. You tensed to run.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," you heard.

You looked to the back seat. The windows were heavily tinted, but just light enough so you could see the outline of a man. Regardless of vision, that voice was distinct. You'd heard him on television, one of the perks of prison, a million times.

"Tony Stark," you said.

The window rolled down. "In the flesh. Surprised? I am.. Now get in."

So you bolted.


You woke up, groggy. The room around you was nicely furnished, and this was most definitely not your home. You looked around and saw someone you'd hoped to never see ever again in your life.

He looked at you. He seemed apologetic. You didn't believe it.

"What did you do to me this time?" you groaned, sitting up.

"Sorry about that. Tony says you ran."

You felt your blood boil. "You drugged me! You freaking drugged me! What the hell is wrong with you up there?! It's like you've got nothing going on! Can you just leave me alone! I told you I never wanted to see you again!"

You got out of bed and headed straight for the door but he beat you, grabbing your arm. "Just hear me out. I've changed. I promise."

You pulled your arm away from him. "Don't touch me, you bastard."

He began to shake. You watched in horror as his eyes began to turn green then his skin.

"Uh-oh," you heard. It was the same girl. She grabbed you and pulled you away before you watched in horror as the bedroom wall was torn to shards.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!" you screamed, hiding behind her.

She shrugged. "If you haven't noticed, we're the Avengers."

You blinked twice. Of course! The Hulk, Iron Man, and Black Widow. Wow. The awe stopped the moment you recalled how he'd thrown you under the bus.

"Yeah. Ok. And I'm leaving."

Only thing was, there wasn't a way out.

"Look, (Y/N)," Bruce said. "I'm sorry for what I did."

You scoffed. "No you're not. You can never be sorry. And even if your shallow heart is remotely capable of feeling sorry or pity or even empathy, I'll never accept it."

He sighed. "I've changed. I just want to talk."


He sighed again. "Jarvis. Open the lift."

The lift doors opened and you stared at him.

"Go on. You're right. I was stupid and I was thinking irrationally."

You walked into the lift. "Are you going to let me leave?"

He nodded. But just before the doors shut, you saw him mouth three words that made your despise run deeper and closer to your heart.

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