Tony | Captivated

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Note: Everything in this is fictional, and should stay that way.

Ouch. The zip ties held your wrists together, and your arms behind your back. It was an awkward position and at every step, a dull ache shot through you.

"Ah. He's gonna like this one," You heard someone say, chuckling. You heard a scream and then skin meeting skin. You flinched on the behalf of the other girl you'd only had a spit second glance at before you too were blindfolded and bagged. You thought doing both was slightly extreme, but at least they hadn't gagged you. That would've made it worse.

"Yeah. And this one." Your arms were pulled and you almost cried out, whimpering in pain. The man who had you chuckled. "And she's quiet. He'll pay high for this one."

Then came a chorus of laughs and talk about money.

"Ok. Shut up," the further one said. "Ring the doorbell."

"No. You ring it."

"No. You."

"You're closer."

"It's your turn."

The further one grumbled before giving in. The door opened and there was silence. You tried to see, but the darkness was disorientating and obviously not going away.

"Mr. Stark," the further one said, his voice shaky. "The two you ordered."

There was more silence before you heard a sigh. "Take the bags off. I can't see them with that on."

The bag was taken off your head and you felt a light breeze on your face. You looked up, remembering you couldn't see anything. You kept your pose and suddenly a hand was on your chin, moving your face.

"She's the quiet one," the man who held you said, obviously trying to sell you.

"And the other?"

The two me chuckled. "A squealer."

There was more silence. "Are you telling me you've beat her before I could get to it?" Wait. Beat? What was going to happen to you? Save me, you thought.

The two men were immediately in a scramble for words. "No of course not!" they cried in fear. "We barely touched her. No marks. Just like you said."

"Good." There was a bit of pacing before fingers were at the back of your head, undoing the knot to the blindfold. It dropped and the light blinded you for a second. You'd been twenty four hours without seeing the light.

You looked up and saw a very bright version of a man who only harboured darkness. You knew the stories. First it had been Thor. He'd gone to the dark side. Then the Black Widow, but where was the surprise in that? Hawkeye followed soon after, and then Captain America. The nation had been shocked at that. Then finally it was the Hulk and Iron Man. That was it. Then in a last moment decision, they joined the others. Everyone knew it was Tony's idea, but the speculation as to why continued until now. Some said he was power hungry, others said it was because Loki had cast a spell on him. Either way, that was it. The entire world fell to the group that had once saved them and here you were. Just another body that would go in and never come out. No one ever came out.

Your eyes clashed with his and he smirked, musing about it for a second. You knew he could see the determination in your eyes. There was something about taking away the last thing a person could have. If you had nothing to lose, wouldn't you risk it all? You were going to end up dead anyways.

He broke the eye contact and you slumped. He walked over to the other girl. The blonde who'd obviously been a flirt. Even now she was dressed in a mini skirt, tank top and killer heels. Her dark hair was died blonde, a common look amongst people her age. You could call her out as a flirt anywhere.

He undid her blindfold and she gasped as light flooded her vision. You saw him smirk. "So she is a squealer." He chuckled before bringing his hand back and moving to hit her cheek. She squealed and shut her eyes, but her skin was never damaged. Tony stopped and looked at her cheek closely. Another handprint. He looked straight at the man who held her. "Did you, or did you not, do this to her?"

The man trembled but didn't reply.

A piece of the suit flew to Tony's hand and he held it up, ready to punch the man's skull in. "I will not ask you again, so I suggest you tell me - "

"Yes!" the man cried. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark."

"I won't pay for this one," he said, grabbing the girl's chin and moving her head around, shaking it as though she were nothing but a toy. "She's marked and I specifically told you not to do that. I'll take the other one. What's her price?"

You bit your lower lip. You were about to be sold off. Would you be worth a million? Less? More? The thought that your life was quantifiable was appalling.

"Eight hundred thousand."

Well that wasn't very much. You couldn't even buy a house in the city with that amount of money.

"Sold," Tony said, handing them eight bags of cash. "Oh, and untie them both before you go."

The two men did as he said then left with the money.

If they were afraid of Tony Stark, how much more afraid should you be?

He looked at you and the other girl. "Welcome to my humble home."

You gulped.


Ok. So that was a little dark... Is it too dark for your taste? Tell me what you think and if I should continue it.

10K reads!!! You are all amazing! Thank you for reading :)

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