Clint | Between a bullet and a heart

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You held your gun up, feeling the perfected stance happen immediately. You knew that if you shot, you wouldn't miss and that scared you. Your heart hurt with the familiar pain losing someone you loved. Tension ran high.

"What are you waiting for?" Alexander demanded. You wanted to shut him up. It would be as easy as removing the earpiece from your ear and stepping on it, squishing the delicate machinery that allowed sound to be transmitted. You grit your teeth, taking the safety off your gun and refocusing it on his heart, a quick and easy death.

Clint stood there, arms raised, eyes wary and pleading. You didn't want to shoot him anymore than he wanted to be shot.

You took in a deep breath, feeling your eyes tear up as your vision blurred. You let your left hand move away from the gun as you wiped away tears. You sniffled as you held on again.

He let out a breath as well before looking right at you, his eyes piercing yours. "I love you," he mouthed.

"I'm sorry," you mouthed back.

The moment was torn apart by Alexander shouting in your ear again. "(Y/N)! Shoot the bloody idiot!" he barked.

You flinched but your aim remained stead. Then in a last minute decision, with his voice still blaring in your ear, your turned on your heel, shooting the sniper that had been positioned to kill you if you'd missed, and then Alexander himself. You'd killed the sniper immediately with a shot to the head, but Alexander had luckily ducked in time to miss his. However, your second shot did get his shoulder and his groans and swears filled the silence over the intercom.

"Run!" you shouted at Clint. He stood there eyes wide and sight my shocked at the turn of events.

Fed up with his lack of response, you ran at him, taking his hand, shelving your gun, and pulling him along to the car you'd stashed for an emergency if you needed it.

You got in the drivers seat and he became a passenger as you immediately took off, hammering down the dirt road.

You pulled out your earpiece and unclipped its pack, handing it to him. "Chuck it out he window," you said.

He did just that. Sometimes you forgot that you were working with a spy as well. You took a couple glances at him as you checked your tail for any other cars.

He buckled in as you watched the speedometer tick over to 220. You weren't sure if the car could take anymore than that. You kept the speed steady until you heard a click which made you jolt a little, pushing the car into 225. A crash at this speed would kill you instantly so you kept your eyes straight.

"What are you doing?" you asked cautiously. This could go two ways. He would kill you, or you would press on the break and slam him into the dashboard, effectively stopping him from shooting you.

"How can I trust you after that?" he demanded, waving his gun around a little. You didn't seem to feel afraid of his question. You knew he still trusted you.

"I just saved your life."

"Because you got me in that mess in the first place."

You immediately got defensive.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"




By then the tension in the car had completely disappeared. You began to laugh, hearing him join in. The gun clicked again, it's safety now on.

The both of you calmed down after the minute of good and well deserved laughing.

He let out a sigh, putting his arm around your seat as he relaxed. He looked around for a moment at the dessert around him. "So where are we going?" he asked.

You shrugged, smiling at your new prospects at life. "Anywhere but here."

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