Loki | Division

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Complicated huh? Not as complicated as being in a romantic relationship with one of your best friends, hiding it from all of your other best friends and your employer.

Lying next to you, his chest slowly rising and falling, was someone that you'd never imagined would have ended up in your bed, let alone in your house, or in your life other than for employment purposes. Lying next to you was a Norse God. One that wasn't so good with telling the truth - unless you peeled back the fifty million layers. There were so many, it was an honest trek to get to the genuine centre. It was kind of like eating a toffee apple for the first time as a five year old. That Apple had been the hardest thing you'd ever tried to get. But when you did... The satisfaction and the boringness of fruit for a child made it relatively worth it.

Your alarm began to go off, starting with shallow beeps. You knew they'd escalated until all you'd be able to hear would be BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP blaring at you with no remorse.

It snapped you out of your gaze and you shut it off with the press of a button.

"Finally," he said, a small smirk on his lips. "I thought that I'd have to throw it out the window and finally prove that time can't fly."

You rolled your eyes at his cheesy joke. He'd heard it once before and kept bringing it up. It was novelty to him.

"Good morning to you too," you retorted, sitting up and stretching. His eyes lingered on your body, making you glare back at him. He grinned innocently.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked.

You rubbed your eyes. "You eat too much. Go buy your own groceries."

He scoffed, sitting up, a playful look on his face. "Who are you to tell me that, mortal?" he asked. He got a strange kick out of calling you mortal.

You smirked before getting out of bed only to have two long arms wrap around your torso and pull you back in. You squealed, letting yourself fall, knowing he'd catch you. He trialled a line of quick kisses from your neck to your lips where he decided to slow down the pace.

You grabbed him and kissed him.

Your heart fluttered, and your mind screamed at you. Bad, (Y/N). Bad! But could you really choose who you loved?

He just held you there for a moment, the both of you basking in your little world of contentment. Until your second alarm went off. BEEP-BEEP. BEEP-BEEP. BEEP-BEEP.

He groaned. "No," he whined, moving on top of you to pin you down and keep you from moving.

You laughed, tickling his sides. "Loki. Come on. I've got to go to work."

He kissed the tip of your nose. "But... But..."

"No buts."

He pouted for a long time before letting you up. "Alright, mortal. I can wait."

You grinned, pushing him off you. "Uh-huh."

You went to get changed in the bathroom before going to make breakfast as he smacked on your chocolate stash. Apparently Norse Gods don't get fat and can burn 'petty human calories' in seconds. The moment he'd decided to visit regularly was the moment your chocolate bill went up.

"(Y/N)," he said as you cooked up some eggs.


"I think you're out of hazelnut chocolate." His favourite.

You sucked, putting the eggs on a plate before getting to the next batch. "Why is it always 'my' chocolate when we run out, and 'our' chocolate when it's newly stocked?" you complained, jokingly.

He grinned. "Because you love me?" He suddenly appeared next to you before wrapping his arms around your waist. "And because I love you."

Oh the guilt. To know you were hiding this secret from the Avengers. It hurt you a little to know you were 'compromised' in the field.

"I love you too," you replied, flipping his eggs into his plate. You handed it to him and he happily sat down, pouring the both of you some orange juice.

You sat down, but not before you took your phone to answer a call.

"Hello?" you asked.

"Hey. (Y/N)."


Loki's mouth hardened.

"What's up?" you asked.

He sighed. "Just letting you know, and energy signal has been spotted at your place. The lags about twelve hours. Have you seen anything?"

You looked to Loki. "Nothing." Lies.


"Yeah, Tony."

He sighed. "I just don't get it."

"Maybe the machine's wrong?"

"It... Maybe... Look. I'll see you later, ok?"

You smiled. "Ok. Bye, Tony."

"Bye, dear."

When you looked up, Loki was definitely not happy. "Dear?" he asked, though he spat it more than anything.

"Tony just calls everyone that."

Loki scoffed. "Why won't you tell them about us?" Not this again.

You shook your head. "Loki, you know why."

"Are you truly that ashamed of me?"

You shook your head again, walking over to him to sit on his lap, the back of your hand caressing his cheek. "I'm not ashamed of you. We'll tell them one day, alright? Just not now."

He sighed. "Then when?"

"Maybe - " The phone rang again. You sighed. "I have to go."

He frowned. "For later then."

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