Bruce | You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

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As requested by @LittleAsianPrincess, I hope you like it and it's what you were thinking of!!


He sat in the window seat of a cafe, watching the sun begin to set. His mind wondered through all the possibilities of what he could do before returning to the Stark Tower to be met by his fellow Avengers. He liked it there, but there was something missing. Most of them were busy. And if they weren't, they had someone. Tony had Pepper, Thor had Jane, Steve kind of had Peggy (and the rest of his problems with Bucky), and heck. Natasha may as well have had Clint. Those two were a funny pair.

He heard the ring of a small bell as the door to the coffee shop opened. He looked up and saw you. In his eyes, you weren't very tall, and didn't look as though you could handle yourself. He watched you walk up to the counter and order a hot chocolate to take away. He liked the way you looked and the way you sounded. Your voice was like heaven to his ears.

You turned and caught him staring, blushing slightly. He blushed as well before looking away. He was handsome.

You took your coffee, and began your walk home from your friends house. You knew this part of town very well and you calculated routes faster here than anywhere else. You knew if you went through one of the quieter roads you'd make it before 7pm, but you also knew that you wouldn't make it through the alley before it was dark. That was a little bit scary.

You sipped your coffee as you walked. The sun slowly began to set and by the time you made it to the entry of the the quiet road, there was barely any sun left. You deliberated for a moment before deciding that yes, it would be faster, and if you kept thinking about it, the sun would set and you'd have to walk the extra couple blocks probably having to dodge all sorts of people.

You entered it and walked straight down it. By the time you were half way, the sun was down and all that illuminated your path was a single streetlight.

You passed that when you began to realise that there was a shuffling noise behind you. You thought nothing of it until it disappeared and came back again. You began to get worried.

You turned around. Maybe twenty metres away was a man in a hoodie. You couldn't see his face. All you knew was that he looked dangerous and your body was telling you to run.

You began to walk faster, trying not to act suspicious. You could see the other end of the alley and so desperately wished you could get there in time.

A figure appeared on the other side of the road. You began to hear more shuffling. You took another look back and the single man had become three. When you looked forward, there were now two. Five on one. You didn't like the odds of that.

You tried to recall your self defence training that they'd made you take at school. What was it again? Eyes, nose, throat, grab, pull, kick. You turned your hands into fists.

You gulped. Maybe if it had only been one man, you could've bashed him up enough to run, but five... Your odds were not looking too great.

You were so nervous that your hands were cold and shaking, all your blood having gone to your legs to make sure you could run as fast as you could to get away. Flight mode had kicked in.

Your heart beat loud in your ears and you found that regardless of the lack of light, you could see just fine.

The ones in front of you came closer and you got ready to fight when you were grabbed.

You dropped your cup.

You tried to scream but a hand went over your mouth. You bit it and got a cussing as well as slap. The pain didn't bother you. The adrenaline worried about that for you.

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