Steve (Request) | Another Plan

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For @_Michaelskitten_

"I love you," he tells her as he kisses her temple. But when he closes his eyes, he doesn't see her, he sees you.

"I love you too," she replies, holding him and smiling. He wishes she was you.

There's only one problem.

The man doesn't realise it.


He stands in front of the mirror, fixing his suit. He catches your eye through it and sighs. "This is becoming real," he says, turning so he can actually look into your eyes which are wide as to not look objecting.

He's getting his suit tailor made and you're invited to the fittings.

You smile. "You're going to be a husband!"

He breathes in through his teeth at the thought of he word. He doesn't notice that he does, but you do. The word goes through his mind for a while before he nods. "This is it," he says. "For life."

The words don't necessarily hurt you anymore. They simply prick at your eyes as you wish to tell him what a humongous mistake he's making.

You love him too.

Sensing your worry, he walks over to you. "Are you alright?" he asks. You can't stand to look into his baby blue eyes. Here he is. About to marry the girl that you'd stupidly introduced him to. You blame yourself for your own misfortune. You should've kept him as your own.

"I'm fine," you say, fixing his collar. He'd never been good with fine details. But that's what you loved about him. You looked at the little things whilst he had the vision to build a life that he wanted to live. You hadn't been so lucky in the relationships department, having just caught your boyfriend of three years screwing with another girl. "I'm excited for you," you add as though you're trying to convince yourself. You needed it.

He stand back up, smiling. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

You nod, standing up, and removing the creases in your bridesmaid dress that is a gorgeous colour and just makes you envy her more. You weren't even close to the bride. Of all thirteen she had, you were the last one in line. In the moment of silence, you feel compelled to share the information of your failed relationship.

"Andrew cheated on me," you tell Steve, not expecting much in return. Here you were, ruining his fitting with sadness.

His face shifted to show worry. "(Y/N)! I - I'm so sorry!" he says, pulling you into a hug. You'll miss these hugs, knowing that she'll want to spend every waking moment with him.

Who wouldn't?

You sigh. "Yeah. It's uh, it's ok."

"But you were so in love with him!"

I'm in love with you.

You shake your head softly. "I guess he wasn't in love with me."

Steve steps back, taking your hands. "Well, I'm here if you need me, (Y/N/N)."

You sigh, knowing that he can never really be yours anymore. "Thank you." To say 'I know' would be a lie.


"Tony?" Steve asks. It's four in the morning and he can't sleep. There's something about today that doesn't make him feel alright. He feels queasy.

"Hey, bud. Couldn't have called me later?" Tony replies, sleep ridden.

Steve sighs and Tony gets an inkling about what's happening.

"Are you alright?" Tony asks.

"I... I can't sleep."

Tony chuckles softly as to not wake up the sleeping Pepper. "I kind of got that already."

Steve yawns. His body is tired, but his mind refuses to let go of something. It eats away at him. He hesitates, but speaks his mind. "What if I'm not ready?"

Tony's eyebrows raise as he processes the information. "Not ready? A week ago you were the one who was asking for this to come sooner!" Tony looks to Pepper and wonders if she thought the same thing before their wedding. "You just have cold feet. You'll get over it."

Steve sighs. "You're probably right."

Sensing that there's more to be covered, Tony asks, "Is it her?"

Steve's brows furrow together. "Her?"


Steve finds his heart begin to race at the name. He takes in breaths, but can't control the feeling of correctness that consumed him at the sound. "Tony. What do I do?"

Tony yawns. "Sleep on it. Decide tomorrow, bud."

"You don't think that's cutting it too close?"

Tony hushes him before he can continue. "You're already cutting it too close."

Steve sighs. "I... I think I love her."


Steve nods to himself before sighing again. He's had a day full of sighs. "Yes."

Tony now sighs as well. "You've just gotta follow your heart. Who makes you happier all the time? Who makes you smile? Who listens to you? You do you listen to without trying?"

Steve thinks about it. "Thanks."

"Good night."

The phone call ends.


Steve stands in front of the last mirror he'll see before he's officially her husband. And there you sit, on the couch at the other end of the room. You play with the ends of your dress, occasionally taking a peek at him. He seems off today.

He turns around and looks at you. "(Y/N)?" he asks.

You nod. "Yes?"

"Do you think she's right for me?"

You want to say no. Instead, you shrug. "She seems fine."

"But for me."

He's being insistent. You frown. "I uh... I don't quite know."

He sighs. "I just..." He shakes his head before chuckling sadly. You want to walk over to him and hug the sadness out of him. "Can I ask you something?"

You crack a forced smile. "You just did."

He smiles as well before it disappears and is replaced by... Fear?

He takes in a deep breath. "D-Do you love me?" he asks.

You hear the words loud and clear, but they don't fit anywhere into your understanding. "What?" you ask.

He shakes his head. "Sorry. It was a stupid question."

You stand up, walking to him, resting your hand on his upper arm. "No." His face falls. "I mean, no it's not a stupid question." You sigh, smoothing out his frown with your thumb. "Ask me again."

His eyes widen. "What?"

"Ask me again."

He hesitates, looking down for a moment. "Do you love me?"

You smile and it's genuine.

You lean in and kiss him.


You stand at the back of the church, seeing him at the alter. She's there too, smiling. She looks beautiful, but today, it's your day.

You smile the moment you meet Steve's eyes. They're sparkling. There was no midnight phone call to Tony this time and no needed reassurances.

Your flower girls line the carpet with flowers. You take in a deep breath then as the music starts, you begin your walk up the isle.

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