Tony | Her Part 3

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"Jarvis," I called as I signalled for the music to stop. Thor was fuming at me, but I couldn't care less. The heart should get what it wants, and I wanted the beautiful girl standing in front of me, with a rose that I hadn't given her. I pulled out a dozen more roses, in her favourite colour, of course.

"Just for you," I said. "Also, I almost forgot. I want to show you something."

Before anyone had any time to protest, I had her hand in mine and I was towing her out. She giggled, running with me down a flight of stairs and into the waiting elevator. The doors shut before Thor or Bruce could get in. Sorry not sorry, guys, but I want her and I will do anything to make her happy.

"Where are we going, Tony?" she giggled, looking at me with her sparkling eyes. I was lost in them for a second.

"You'll see," I replied.

The doors opened and I took her hand again and began to run to the sleek black sports car she'd always said she liked when looking through my many magazines. She liked fast and pretty cars, and this was exactly that.

She stared at it before looking at me. "Are we going for a drive?"

I grinned. "Nope."

"Are you bringing me here to gloat, Tony?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, letting go of her hand only to open it, palm up. I dropped a key into her hand and she took a long hard look at it before realising it was hers. Her jaw dropped.

"No," she said, unbelieving. "Tony... Is this car for me?!"

I smiled. "Yep."

The look on her face was priceless. "Tony! Thank you!" She almost jumped on me, squealing. I swear I saw a tear or two. She grinned. I loved seeing her happy. It made me smile. "Can we go for a drive?"

I smiled. "Absolutely."

The elevator dinged and Thor and Bruce came running just as she got in the car, a still massive smile on her face. And just before I shut the car door for myself, I looked to them and said, "And that's how you do it."


You just got a car :O

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