Loki | Her Part 4

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I arrived at Stark Tower only to see unhappy faces, all brooding and wilted. "What on Asgard is the matter with you all? You all look as though I actually took over Midgard." No one found that funny at all. I was met with a lot of frowning faces, but there was one I was missing. A beautiful face, actually. The one, out of many, that I actually liked to see. One that didn't send me into a flurry of disgust. "Where's (Y/N)?"

I was met with more silence, so I put two and two together. She wasn't here and they were sad. Matter of fact, I was too.

"Ah. I see your predicament."

I poured myself a drink of Stark's finest wine. "Well, where is she?"

Bruce sighed. "With Tony."

I laughed. "Obviously the both of you have been matched." But I wasn't.


"Missing me?" I asked as I appeared in the back seat of the very nice black car that Tony had attempted to buy her with.

With a scream and a jerk of the wheel, she registered my presence through the rear view mirror. She looked at me, happy to see me to Tony's dismay. "Loki! What are you doing here?!"

I smirked. "Nice ride."

She giggled. "Thanks."

I was the third wheel for a while, enjoying the slightly constipated look on Tony's face which was a mixture of annoyance, disgust and hatred for yours truly.

After a while, I got bored. "I'll see you when you get back," I said, kissing her cheek and disappearing.


I was the first one she saw the mo net she walked in. Well, not exactly me. A copy of me. She smirked at me. "Hello, fake Loki." I was always amazed at how she could tell the difference so well.

"Hello, real (Y/N)."

She giggled and rolled her eyes before getting excited over her brand new keys.

"Do you like the car?" Tony asked, just to piss me off. I plastered a smile on my copy's face before having an internal rage. He was playing it sneaky, but I was the God of Mischief. I could do one better than anything he could pull out of a hat. Like car keys, per se.

"I love it. Thank you, Tony!"

I appeared and walked over to him whilst she hugged him. "Shame she doesn't love you."

I heard a bellowing laugh from Thor. "Burn," he said.


I heard her down in the kitchen, fixing herself a bit of a late night snack. I went down, careful to not scare her.

"What are you doing awake so late?" I asked.

She turned and smiled, her upper lip covered in milk.

"I'm thirsty," she said, turning back around to put the milk carton back. She stopped herself. "Would you like some."

I smiled. "That would be lovely."

"Get yourself a glass."

"I can do myself one better." And with a single step, I pulled her into my arms and licked her upper lip. "Yum."

She went dead silent, slightly in shock. She looked at me and was about to say something when a shield lodged itself in between us, damaging the fridge.

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