Natasha | Shadows Part 2

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You scoffed as a hard shoulder rammed into yours, a gesture of dominance from your female workmate who was upset that you'd bee flirting with her boyfriend. Boyfriend. Unlikely. You couldn't get Natasha out of your head long enough to admire her boyfriend. Besides, he wasn't all that much of a catch as she built him up to be.

You continued your walk, swearing to yourself that you'd egg her house - cruel, but possible. You could've broken in, let off a grenade and blamed it on them through fingerprints - which you weren't cruel enough to do. You rolled your eyes, going to sit at your desk and day job. You sorted papers, did IT maintenance and had a couple too many lunch breaks, not that your boss minded. He was always having one every five minutes, going to nibble on the very nice snacks this place provided.

"Hey," Ryan, the guy sitting across from you said, peeping over the top of the divider. He had a habit of doing that and taking a sweeping look of you and your desk at the same time.

"Hi," you said, putting the files from your bag down on your desk, ready for a days worth.

"Did you have a good weekend?" You sighed. It was that you didn't like him, it was just that he was a bit - extremely - annoying and clingy. Clinginess wasn't bad, but when it came to Ryan, he was like the guy that got tranquillised in Bounty Hunter. You mused about it for a while. Yep. Just like him.

"Yes, Ryan. I had a great weekend. And if you don't mind, I have to do some work... They're kind of paying me..."

"Absolutely. Oh yeah. Also, did you have fun at that party?" You frowned. How'd he know? "Oh I saw it on your uh, facebook." Which he wasn't friends with you on. You nodded, suspiciously before clearing your throat awkwardly.

"It was a uh, a good party."

He smiled, a little too camp. "Right. Nice talking to you. We should do this more often."

You nodded. This was getting more and more awkward by the second. "Absolutely more often, Ryan."

He waved, still smiling as he sat down. You let out a breath of awkwardness and went straight to work.


"Hey, (Y/N)... (Y/N)... (Y/N)!" You sat up, wiping non-existent drool off your face. Ryan looked at you, as though he was expecting something.

You blinked a couple times. "Yes?"

He smiled and you cringed a little on the inside. "Someone's here for you."

You groaned. "Is it Alex?"

His eyes widened. "Alex?... Who's this Alex? I-is he a... A boyfriend of yours?"

You shook your head, running through a list of possibilities of who it might be. You couldn't come up with another name. "Thanks, Ryan. I should go and see who that is..."

"W-Wait! Who's Alex?"

I had to get him off my back. "He's my boyfriend, Ryan. Sorry, but we're deeply in love but in any other circumstance, we'd be together." The sarcasm dripping from your tongue could've poisoned whole cities, but he was either oblivious or immune.

"Really? We would?"

You put your hand on his chest. "Yes, Ryan. Yes we would." And before he could move in and kiss you, you dodged. "I need to go see who that was."

He nodded incomplete agreement. "Oh absolutely!"

You smiled. "Bye, Ryan."

"Bye!" He even waved as you walked off.


"Hey. Who's after me?" you asked Mary, the brunette receptionist.

She pointed in the direction of a woman in strange attire. "Name's Anna."

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