Thor | Come Back Part 2

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3 weeks later

Loki stared at you, making you feel very uncomfortable as you ate. Again. And when you looked at him he'd just smile as though he were pleasant company, then keep on staring.

You looked at him again and he raised an eyebrow. "Is there something on my face, mortal? Or in my eyes? Or perhaps you're attracted to me."

You scoffed. "Impossible."

He smirked. "Denial always points out the truth."

You played with your food. "You're the God of Mischief. The truth and you don't mix."

"Says who?"

"Says everyone."

"On a survey of how many people?"

When he knew he'd caught you, he grinned, letting out a dark chuckle.

"I may be the God of Mischief, but you, mortal, you're no Goddess of Truth."

You put your cutlery down. "Are you calling me a liar?"

He shrugged. "Call it what you want. I'm simply stating a fact. And my brother is also harbouring his own secrets."

"Yeah, like his secret wish to kill you."

Loki mused. "You may think that. I would too if I were you..." He leaned in. "But that's not exactly what I had in mind... Something much... Darker."

You stood up, pushing your plate away, stirred by what he said. "You're just spouting nonsense."

"Alright. Believe what you want."

You looked outside. "And look. A storm is brewing. He's probably home. Make yourself useful and clean up."

He smirked. "Are you ordering your king to do your dirty work?"

"I'm ordering a prince to do the washing."

His smirk disappeared and you knew you'd won this round.

You ran down and met Thor halfway, immediately running to him. You kissed him. "I'm glad you're back."

"I'm glad to be back."

You breathed him in. "Where did you go?"


"Was it good? Did you sort everything out?"

"There was a bit of fighting, nothing big."

You frowned. Why was he keeping his distance. Verbal distance was always worse than physical distance. "Are you alright?"

"Of course..."

You smiled and walked with him back into the apartment.

"I love you. I'm glad you're back," you said.

He kissed you again. But where was the emotion?

"I missed you." What? No 'I love you'? "Will you give me a moment?"

"Of course."

He went to the guest room, looking to Loki. "Loki."

The mischievous man followed his brother and soon there were things being thrown around. You ran in. "Thor!" you cried. "Stop!"

He was holding a dagger at Loki's throat, his other hand supporting the blade. He dropped it and stormed out.

Loki let out a breath, acting as though nothing had happened. "I'm unable to tell you just how dark his secret is." His voice was grave.

You just stared.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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