Steve | She likes flowers

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You were in the park with your little sister, laughing it up as you usually did. You were supposed to be studying for your tests, but screw it. You needed to walk and move and not think about algebra and English and science and just school in general.

"Hey! (Y/N), look!" she shouted from the playground which was across the park. In her hand she held a balloon, giggling and waving it around.

You smiled. "Wow!" you shouted back. "It's so pretty!"

If anyone had been watching the two of you interact, they would've found it to be the strangest way to communicate.

She disappeared for a second and you got worried only to see her appear on the other side of the slide that blocked your view.

"Hey, (H/N), stay on this side - " You saw someone's arm go around her and you heard her scream. Oh god. She was being abducted. You began to panic before you saw someone, who literally blurred when they ran, run to the scene. You snapped out of your shock and ran over. You were relieved when you saw your sister run toward you. You watched as a blonde man pummelled the man in black with a ski mask on.

"You come back and I'll beat your nose in so far up your skull you'll be smelling your own brain," you heard. You couldn't help but giggle at the seemingly pathetic threat, but when you saw the man's two black eyes and bruises and cuts, you shut up.

The blonde man stood up, looking at you. Damn he was fine. Wait what?! How was your brain thinking this when your sister had just almost been abducted?! Pull yourself together, (Y/N)!

He scratched the back of his head. "Uh... Sorry," he said.

Your eyes widened. "Um... No. Thanks, I guess."

Your little sister giggled and you fought the urge to cover her mouth.

"I'm Steve," he said, holding his hand out.

You took a few steps forward before shaking his hand. "I'm (Y/N)."

"It's nice to meet you." Oh his eyes were so beautiful. And his smile...

"Y-You too," you stuttered. He was so handsome.

"(Y/N)!" your sister called from where you'd left her standing.

You turned. "Yes?"

"Ask him out for ice cream!" she giggled.

You went red and looked up at Steve, the mysterious helper who was also blushing.

"Go on!" she encouraged, giggling even more.

You sighed, looking to him. "Steve, would you like to go for ice cream with me?"

He smiled, still blushing. Oh he was adorable. "Sure. Will your sister be coming?"

Before you could answer, she did for you. "No. I don't like to interrupt dates."

If you'd been feeling embarrassed, this was a whole other level. You wanted to face palm.

You cleared your throat. "(H/N), are you sure you don't want ice cream?" you asked in hopes that she'd come and somehow make it less awkward.

She shook her head. "Oh no. I have homework to do."

What homework did an eight year old have?! You looked to an embarrassed Steve and he looked to an embarrassed you.

"I guess it's just us then..."

He nodded. "Yep."

The awkwardness overpowered any sexual tension there could've been.

"Great!" you sister said, breaking you two apart from your awkward staring. She turned around, looking at your house which was across the street. "I'm going home. Bye, (Y/N)! And Steve?"


"She likes [enter colour here] flowers."

Kill me now.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Here's a tree. 🎄 and Santa 🎅

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