Tony | Captivated Part 4

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Then he leaned in close, his lips at your ear. "I'd like to see it."

• • •

It was then that you realised your predicament. You were trapped in between a weapon of mass destruction, and it's corrupted maker. Fear shot through you and before you'd processed what was happening, you'd already moved a considerable amount away from him.

He smirked. Oh crap. Now it had turned into a game of cat and mouse.

He took slow steps, enjoying the hold he had over you. You cowered and continued to move backward until you hit the wall. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap!

Your hands were splayed out on the wall as you tried your best to maximise the space between you and him. The wall quite obviously wasn't budging, but you continued to press yourself up against it.

He took another step, barely a metre away from you. You could see the impossible nature of this. There was complete impossibility that you'd come away from with without the proverbial mouse having been eaten by its predator. You just had no other choice.

He took another step and you shut your eyes. "Please don't," you whimpered. Maybe he would show mercy. Maybe there was still a bit of him that was from when he was positively called 'Iron Man' and he would put himself in danger to rid the world of evil.

He took one step closer. Maybe this was all he had left.

"Sir, Miss Romanoff is here to see you."

Oh Jarvis! Jarvis you beauty!

Tony grit his teeth. "Jarvis," he growled.

Your heart rate began to slow a little, but it still raced.

He looked at you. "Hurry up. Let's go before she breaks my door in," he said, some deadpan humour attached. You chewed the insides of you lips as you followed him, your heels making it a little hard.

His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close to him as he opened the door.

Standing there was the infamous redhead you'd seen and heard of on TV and through your friends. The Black Widow; Natasha Romanoff. She looked sultry in her very tight LBD which she matched with pumps. She smiled, cunning. Her eyes looked you up and down.

"Two weeks," she laughed.

Tony rolled his eyes.

What were they talking about? Were they talking about you?

You walked with them to what seemed like a large living room with a fireplace and a round couch, slightly lower than the general floor level; built in. Tony let go of you as he made his way to the bar. Natasha sat, her eyes trained on you. She sized you up as you cowered. She knew she was in control here.

"Come sit," she said.

You looked to Tony. If you had felt unsafe with Tony, you felt even more unsafe with her.

She grinned. "Don't worry. I don't bite."

You walked over and sat down about a metre away from her.

She moved closer and pushed a piece of your hair back. "You look nice."

"Hey. Get your hands off my property," Tony joked, handing a drink to her. He sipped his own as he sat on the other side of her. "You can leave."

So you got up and left.

You went straight for your room where you took a hot shower to try and scrub away the horrid creeping feeling you felt all over your skin.


You came out, still feeling disgust and like you were being watched. You checked around you. You were becoming paranoid. There didn't seem to be any bugs in the room.

You went to sit on your bed, exhausted mentally. Fear took a toll on you. Constant fear was horrid.

A knock on your door sent you into the air, your heart pounding fast again. You gulped, taking a second to calm yourself. "C-Come in."

The door opened and - oh. It was just Caroline.

"Hey," she said, walking over and sitting down. "Are you alright?"

What was the expected answer to that again? "Yes." More like your world was falling apart, your dignity had died a couple times in the past hour, what was left of your hopes had been shattered and you'd been labelled as 'two weeks'. What did that mean? After two weeks he'd kill you? Pass it off as a suicide?

Her arms went around you, holding you. You hadn't even realised that you'd began to cry. You held onto her, soaking the shoulder of her shirt in tears.

She rubbed your back. "Hey. Don't worry. You'll be alright."

"How can you say that?" you mumbled.

She shrugged. "I've survived, haven't I?"

You sniffled. "I want to go home."


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