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You stood somewhere foreign in Germany. You were a little confused about your bearings and were consulting a map which barely made any sense either. You struggled for a little while, trying to understand where exactly you were, then how to find it on the map and get you back to the -

You were knocked over by someone tall with a very, very hard body. The map flew away with your fall and flung into the persons face. You stood up, laughing.

"You are beneath me!" the, now obviously male, man cried out. You could tell he was upset, and that you should've ran, but there was just too much humour in this situation. Everything about this made you laugh.

A long thin hand reached and crumpled the map as your mouth turned into an O. His cold, hard eyes fell upon you and you stared back at him.

"What is your name, Midgardian?" he asked.

You looked at him, slightly dumbfounded. The words coming from his mouth didn't sound like the expression he was making with his face. His expression was softer now, but his voice was still hard. Almost... commanding.

When you didn't reply, he asked again. "What is your name?"

You stopped staring and answered him. "(Y/N)," you said before getting the courage to ask for his.

"Loki," he replied.

Loki. That was a strange name. You'd obviously never heard of anyone with that name before. None the less, you accepted it and gave him a smile.

You stuck your hand out and he stared at it for a moment before reaching out to take it. You expected a handshake and got a kiss on the back of your hand. Wow his lips were soft.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." You liked the sound of his voice now that it had softened. Regardless, the commanding presence of it still made you puzzle. Was he a German prince? Maybe they had names like that.

You expected to get your hand back, but he didn't return it. Instead, he took in and kept it. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" he asked. His voice was much, much softer now.

"Uh..." Before you could say anything, you'd already nodded.

He smiled, leading you for a stroll past buildings you had never seen and then past your hotel. You almost squealed at it. He turned his gaze on you again, not that he'd been looking elsewhere. He'd been completely transfixed on you. You wondered how he'd not tripped over whilst walking.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked, his brows furrowed. You liked this Loki a lot.

"This is my hotel," you said.

He smiled, walking you to its door. "Then may I bid you good day." He kissed he hand he'd been holding and began to leave.

"Wait!" you called out.

He stopped dead in his tracks before turning around and walking back to you. "Yes?"

"How do I find you?"

A sly smile made its way on his face. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll find you."


:D this wasn't how I planned to write it, but it just flowed that way. Tell me what you think!! And any suggestions are welcome :)

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