Steve (Request) | My Memory Part 1

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Requested by collidewiththebands_

You were just finished with the one hundred and one things that you'd had to do thanks to a very absent fiance and an apartment and lifestyle to maintain. He was never really around anymore. You passed it off as PTSD after Ultron, after all Ultron was technology more advanced than available in Steve's time.

Carrying your grocery bags, you walked out of the grocery store and to your car, but not before passing you and Steve's favorite cafe. It was the one you'd met at, and the one that he'd taken you to on the day he proposed. The both of you shared the like for the food in this cafe and you found that the memories this cafe held helped heal an aching heart when there was a fight, or there was the feeling of loneliness when he was off with his fellow Avengers -

You stopped dead in your tracks and almost dropped what bags you held. You took a few steps closer, squinting in an attempt to see. No. That wasn't him, was it? You took a few more steps closer and no. It wasn't him.

You heart, which had been racing, calmed down and you went to decide what pastry you wanted and picked out his favourite.


"I'm home!" you called, walking in. Steve was there, smiling with a bouquet of roses laid out on the kitchen counter with a small card. He smiled at you.

"Welcome home," he said before going to help you with your bags. "I missed you," he added, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you a little tightly. You liked it none-the-less. This had been exactly what you'd needed. You'd needed a reassuring hug to ward off the loneliness and the doubts.

He placed a kiss on your forehead before going to pack away what you'd bought. So whilst he did that, you went to read the card, smiling as you did. It was a simple 'I love you', but it screamed love, care and passion. You felt your heart swell with pride and love as you placed the perfectly cut roses in the vase that had been empty for 'too long' as he said.

"I was thinking that we could go out for dinner tonight," he said, smiling as he took your hand and spun you around before dipping you.

You giggled. Where had this Steve come from? "Alright. Dinner it is. Where?"

"Tony and Pepper are back and I thought that you might want to go there and it could be a double date."

You couldn't agree more. "Ok. Dinner it is!"

He grinned, kissing you before jabbing your sides playfully and exclaiming that he was off to take a shower.

You held onto the bench as you let a breath out. If his intent was to surprise you, he'd succeeded.


"(Y/N)! Steve!" Tony said, smiling as he greeted you the moment the elevator doors opened. Pepper was on the couch, a glass of wine in hand, turned to face you from her rom-com on the TV.

"Hi!" Pepper called from over the other side.

You smiled. "Hey!"

You got a kiss and a hug from Tony before going to hug Pepper who'd become one of your closest friends. Steve grinned sheepishly at Tony as Tony jabbed him. So that's where he'd gotten that trait from.

You smiled, going to sit on the couch with Pepper. "So what's for dinner? I'm starving!"

Pepper smiled. "Tony got this amazing chef and I'm so excited to try this Japanese food. I've heard he's the best."

"Only the world's finest for you, baby!" Tony called from the bar where he'd immediately gotten a drink in Steve's hand. That's what Tony considered a good host.

You turned your attention to the TV, but soon you were called into the dining room where a long glass table sat, ready to hep you have dinner.

Then the chef walked in, a long platter of different assortments of sushi in lines, delicate to look at, but delicious in every other aspect. Your mouth watered as you examined the salmon, the tuna, the king fish, and the list could go on.

"This looks amazing," Pepper complimented to the chef who smiled politely and went back to the kitchen.

"This does look amazing, huh, Pep?" Tony asked, his arm going around her as he pulled her close and kissed her temple. You wished Steve would do that. He was too old school for PDA, but you couldn't help but wish.

He looked at you. "Are you alright?" he asked.

You nodded, smiling. "Uh-huh."

Then he took your hand, pulling it to his lips and kissing it. "I love you," he said.

You smiled as you felt the recurring chest constriction that occurred when he professed his love and made sure that you knew and felt like you were the only girl in his world. You were in your own little bubble and you loved it.

"I love you," you repeated.


"That was amazing," you said as you returned home, tired and slightly tipsy.

Steve smiled. "Only the best, right?" he mocked before pulling you close and kissing you until you gasped for air, laughing at the same time.

"What is up with you?" you asked, hugging him.

He tickled your sides. "What's up with me?"

"You're so happy!" you laughed.

He rolled his eyes, kissing you again. "I'm happy because I'm with you."

"I love you."

He smiled, his eyes sparkling from the moonlight that shone through the living room window. "I love you," he replied.


The next day was shopping with Nat, who was angry that you were late from waking up and actually seeing Steve there. He'd graciously made pancakes, which was unusual for him. Then you'd sat down to eat breakfast - with him there for the first time in months - and you'd gotten carried away.

"Sorry!" you said the moment you saw her.

She glared at you, but you knew it was playful. "Sorry doesn't cut it. You're half an hour late."

You sighed. "I just - Steve."

That caused giggles and immediately she wasn't angry anymore. "Rekindling the flame, I see. No wonder why you're glowing."

You rolled your eyes. "Come on. Let's just go."


You were tired, walking down the street. You yawned but stopped mid way as you saw two figures locking lips, one of them extremely familiar. Could it be? No. You were just paranoid, right? You walked closer and surely enough it was him, telling her he loved her, and placing kisses that didn't belong to her on her lips. You hated the both of them instantly. You felt your heart break and shatter into a million pieces. You couldn't forgive him. You hated him with a burning passion now.

You waited until he'd gone in, and then some, before walking in, acting like everything was ok as he kissed you, knowing all the while that minutes ago those lips had been on someone else. You felt repulsed and you felt anger, your chest tightening and your heart beating for all the wrong reasons. You hated Steve Rogers.


He'd gone to sleep and immediately you'd rummaged through the closet, taking the important things and his wad of emergency cash before leaving. Tomorrow, he'd be the one to not wake up next to your face.

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