Bruce | Fishing

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You'd been fishing only once. And that had been a pretty interesting fishing expedition - minus the lack of fish you caught.

You sat on the edge of the wharf with your little piece of string, your friends all beside you, and a little piece of bread tied to that little piece of string. You looked at the masterpiece before looking down at the water. It was dark and scary, but you could also see the floatie that they'd throw at you if you fell in.

Without further ado, you lowered your string in.

"That's not going to get any fish," the boy next to you said.

"Oh yeah?" you bet. "I'm going to get more fish that you."

He showed you his fishing rod. "I'm older. I'm going to get more fish."

Little you didn't like that challenge. So you pushed him in. "Good luck catching any from down there!" you shouted at him.
End of flashback

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Bruce asked, drawing you out of your little fishing flashback.

"How I'm gonna throw you into the water."

He chuckled a little nervously. "I don't understand why you're so against this fishing trip."

You looked around you. Nature was everywhere. Trees were blocking your every line of sight and mozzies were coming out to bite. You slapped one as it drank your blood. It deserved to die. The water by the lake sure was nice, but the everblooming possibility of a shark or dangerous piranha fish in there made you think twice about liking it.

"I told you I didn't want to go fishing," you sighed as you go out of the car.

"Oh come on, (Y/N)... It can't be that bad. If you loosen up, you might enjoy yourself." He had to get out of the car to keep talking to you. "I came here when I was little, I don't see why fishing is so bad!"

You looked around. "It's not the fishing, Bruce. It's the nature."

He raised an eyebrow, going to unpack the car. "You don't like nature?"

"No, I don't like nature! I mean, I like it, but I don't. We have a love hate relationship."

"So it's not the fishing?"

The little boy gasped, trying to splash water on you. He wasn't strong enough to get it up to your level, but he was smart. He grabbed your string and pulled. You, of course, let go. But it caught onto your shoe and in you went.


You'd bellyflopped. Ouch.

He looked at you and laughed. You wanted to punch him. You settled for attempted drowning. You were so humiliated.
End of flashback

You shuddered.

"(Y/N)?" he asked, peering from behind the car. "Is it the fishing?"

You pouted. "I just don't want to be here, ok?"

He sighed. "Ok. Let's go back."

You let out your own sub of relief. "Yes! Ok! Get in the car! Let's go!" But when you saw his face that mirrored the same look of sadness you'd had every time the other little kids laughed at you for that bellyflop, you knew you had to stay. It wasn't something you wanted to do, but it was the right thing.

You stopped his hand before he could put the key in the ignition. "Bruce," you sighed, "does fishing really mean so much to you?"

He shrugged, "I just really wanted to spend some alone time with you... Away from all the distractions of the city and the rest of the group..."

You reached over and hugged him. "Ok. Let's stay."


🐟 look I got you a fish :)

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