Loki | You and Me (Part 2)

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Due to popular request lol:


Loki POV -

I stood there for a moment, collecting myself. The shop keeper was rather flustered, looking at me as though I were evil - not that I particularly minded. Midgardians always seemed to have a spot in their little hearts for the weak and meaningless. But I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I thought about that for a bit.

Nah. I didn't care.

Loki Laufeyson and feelings didn't mix. I especially knew that seeing as I was the ruler of my own mental state.

Thor looked at me, an eyebrow raised, before we began to laugh. I left the shop after buying the flowers just for the heck of it. The bet was still on, and I could still twist my words to get that petty human. After all, who doesn't like the most powerful fish in the sea?

I set off to get her.


Your POV -

Three boxes of tissues and a tub of ice cream later, you had finally calmed down enough so that the tear trails had time to dry up, or at least get to the point of being crusty on the edges.

You wet the tissue under the running water in the sink before wiping away the remnants of hours of crying. It was pointless though, as the moment you looked at yourself in the mirror your sadness reflected itself onto you and your tears began again.

You huffed, clutching onto the vanity, the poor tissue being crumpled under your grip. How had you been so stupid?! Your heart began to beat in your chest, your fingers growing cold with anger. The clash between emotions raged on inside you until in a last stitch attempt, you threw the wet tissue at the mirror, yelling at it like a crazy lady.

You grit your teeth, sucking air in before forcing it out much too quickly. You began to get faint. Today had been the first day after the break up and the emotional rollercoaster was real, people. It was real.

You sighed, the breath coming out shaky and you stopped a sob. You cleaned up your mess, then wiped the water off the mirror.

For a while, you just watched yourself in the mirror. It had been too good to be true. Of course it had.

You took in another shaky breath before reaching for your phone. You needed music and any sort of dance music would do you good. That, or some Taylor Swift. We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together was your perfect theme song.

The guitar began and then she began singing, accompanied with your tear streaked vocals.

One verse later, you were dancing around your apartment, screaming at the top of your lungs and letting the emotion out. You rolled your eyes as you followed her spoken "Like. Ever.", tearing down the pictures of Loki and you from your bedroom wall.

"But we! Are never, ever, ever, ever, getting back together!" you sang, tearing another picture, then another and another.

"So he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you.' And I'm like - I just - I mean - this is exhausting, you know? Like we are never getting back together. Like ever." You watched yourself say in it your floor length mirror, laughing at the total ridiculousness of the faces you were making.

Then as the song ended, stage two of the breakup phase began.

Hello, Miley Cyrus.

FU, Loki!

"Oh! You broke my heart!" You sank to your knees on the bed, holding a water bottle you'd randomly found on your bed side table as a microphone. "I told you, I was weak for love, but then you went around, and did what you wanted to do, and now I'm crying! Crying!"

By the chorus, you weren't listening to the cleverly put censoring. Instead, the whole cusses came to you naturally as you tore down more pictures.

"I got two-ooh-ooh letters for you!" you shouted at a picture. If anyone had watched you, they would've thought you were crazy.

But unfortunately, the song had to end, and as it did, the doorbell rang.

It was probably the online order you'd bought last week. You rushed to the door to find flowers in the delivery boy's arms. He raised an eyebrow as he saw you. You looked pretty crazy.

"Don't ask," you said before picking the card out of the bouquet. The poor delivery boy was frightened of you, standing there and biting his tongue.

You read the card.

Dear (Y/N),

I am so sorry.
I didn't mean a thing I said. It started off as a dare, but then after all those moments we spent together... I found myself really falling for you.
Please listen to me, my love.
You're everything to me. I love you.

- Loki.

You smiled. "Aw," you said. You looked to the delivery boy. "Can you just stand like this for a second?" you asked, moving him into position. He obeyed like a Ken Doll.

You cleared your throat. "I got two-ooh-ooh, letters for you! One of them's F!" You kicked the flowers right out of his hands, his jaw dropping. "And the other one's U!" You kicked them again before ripping up the card, "SMH! I'm pressing send on you!" You handed it to the boy, walking back into your apartment - correction - strutting back into your apartment, and slamming the door.


Loki POV -

I wasn't sure that I'd ever seen her quite that empowered before. I blinked a couple times from the shock. Was it bad that she actually kind of looked extremely attractive when she wasn't playing the timid girl?

I blinked a few more times before seeing the delivery boy walk out, scratching his head in puzzlement.

I needed a new plan of action. Flowers had been a bad choice. After all, I'd kind of broke her heart in a flower shop.

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