Tony | Captivated Part 3

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He wore a suit - an expensive looking one. His hair was neat, and kept together... Tame, almost. That didn't deceive you. You knew that behind all that was just evil. You could see it in his eyes that reflected not only the light of the room, but the darkness in his soul, if you could even say someone like him had a soul.

His chair screeched against the marble floors and you winced lightly at the unpleasant sound. You took a sneak peek at him, finding him looking over all the girls. When you looked down, you knew his eyes were on you. He cleared his throat, looking up and smirking at the blonde on the other end of the table from him. You decided to occupy yourself with the salt and pepper shakers on the table, hoping they'd give you some sort of excuse to not be looking around.

He frowned as he looked at you, intrigued by your interest in the salt and pepper. He reached forward and you watched as he took the small dinner bell and rang it. Surely no one could hear the little tinkle that it produced. You were proved wrong the moment the two side doors were pushed open and waiter after waiter brought plate after plate of food, some pouring drinks as well.

One tried to pour Tony a drink and he slapped the waiter's hand. He looked up, smirking at you. "Pour it."

You took it, only noticing the shakiness of your hand as you attempted to grip the wine bottle from the waiter. He looked at you, pitying you. You finally managed to clench your hand hard enough that the bottle didn't slip. You had to stand to pour it. You moved closer to Tony, his eyes constantly on you, eating you up. He seemed to be judging your every move. You bent over the table slightly to reach his glass that seemed purposely placed so far. You poured the wine, looking to Caroline for help. You managed to pour it without it spilling and handed the bottle to the waiter.

"Leave it," Tony said.

The waiter nodded, putting the bottle down beside, blocking your line of sight ever so slightly to the girl opposite you. You frowned. She looked familiar. You moved slightly to look at her. Who was she? You thought about her face for a while, your eyes wandering to the bottle as you lost yourself to thought.

A movement distracted you. Tony was pouring you a glass of wine. You were about to protest, not feeling like a drink. You were underage and weren't supposed to be consuming any kind of bevrage with alcohol in it. Sure you had at a couple parties, but this was slightly different. This wasn't a party for starters. It was a nightmare.

"If you wanted some, all you had to do was ask," he said, smirking. You nodded slightly.

"Uh, thanks," you said.

He leaned back, picking up his cutlery. The other girls followed suit so you picked up yours too. He began to eat and so did they, then you. You were slightly unsure of what the dining ettiquite was, but this had to be it. Just eat after him.

You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding, and began to eat.


You put your spoon down. Dinner had been filling. Absoloutely filling. It had been a three course meal and the chocolate mousse at the end was the cherry on top of it all. You put your hand on your stomach, rubbing it. You were really, really full.

"Dinner's over," he said. The girls stood up and you scrambled to stand too. Then they began to leave. Had you survived your first dinner at the Stark estate? "(Y/N). Stay." Maybe not.

You stopped, turning to him. You gave Caroline a pleading look and she mirrored it with added sorrow. You took in a deep breath and faced your fate.


Tony's eyes bore into yours, a small smirk beginning to appear. He looked at your still full cup and picked it up, holding it out to you. You took it, hearing the door shut. You flinched and took a sip. It was a strange type of bitter. Not completely off putting, but not likable either. You did, however, enjoy the small tinge of sweetness that lasted long enough for you not to scrunch your nose up in disgust.

You put the cup down and he chuckled. "Not your forte?" he asked.

You shook your head. "I guess not."

He assessed your face for a second before standing up. "Follow me," he said, walking out the doors you'd come in. You followed him, your heels making walking more like a balancing act. You would remember to wear lower shoes to dinner next time - especially if this were to happen again.

He took you down a winding staircase to a place with glass walls. He opened the door and let you in first. He followed suit, shutting the door behind him, the click audible. You hoped it wasn't locked. He smiled at you, almost innocent. "Welcome to my lab," he said. "This is where the magic happens."

He took the liberty to show you around, pointing out all the weapons he'd manufactured to make sure that the world would always be under his thumb. An escape route flashed through your mind. Take a weapon and you could walk out without anyone laying a finger on you. You stared at one firearm in particular. It looked more menacing than the others. You knew that was it. You'd take that if you ever got the change.

He chuckled, his breath on your exposed skin making you shudder at his proximity. "I see you've found my crown jewel."

You shrugged. "What is it?"

His fingers trailed your skin leaving a trail of flames and goosebumps. "Did I mention you look beautiful in this dress?" he asked before gripping your upper arms and placing his lips on the skin of your shoulder. You shivered slightly in disgust, slightly in fear.

You knew better than to ignore him. "Um... Thank you," you said, standing there awkwardly.

He laid another kiss on you, closer to your neck this time. "It really enhances your figure..."

Another shiver.

Then he leaned in close, his lips at your ear. "I'd like to see it."


Dun dun dun!!!! Ehehe what did you think? :D AND 19K+?! ILYYYY <3

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