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"Well, well. Thor Odinson." You were eaves dropping on a conversation between one of the princesses of one of the realms and Thor. "You look... Nice."

He chuckled. "Princess Eleanor... There's no need to flatter me."

Princess Eleanor was the epitome of beautiful with her dark, waist length hair and dark eyes. "Flattery is in us all."

"Indeed... So what brings you to seek me out?"

You took a peek. She had her hand on his shoulder, staring into his eyes, leaning a little too close for your comfort. You weren't sure when to intervene.

"I have a proposition for you."

"Mm. A proposition. Will I enjoy it?"

She giggled, it was a sickly sweet giggle. "You may..."

"Then please, Princess, enlighten me with this proposition."

Then you could hear whispers but that was all. Then you heard, "Leave the petty human. She'll age and die in the blink of an eye. You an I however... We could last the centuries."

That was enough from her. You walked in, glaring at her. She looked so innocent. She was not innocent at all.

"Thor," you said, walking over to him. He wrapped his arm around your waist. "Princess," you added, tilting your head. You made sure that she knew who she was going up against and that she was going to have to work a lot harder.

"My love... I thought you asleep..."

"And miss this?" You laughed but it sounded so fake it hurt your own ears. "Princess, sorry, but I'm going to be taking Thor away now." And with that, you dragged him away, the two of you chuckling at her confused and offended expression.


<3 you own this girl :p !! Don't let any of them Eleanor's take your man!!

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