Clint | Let The Games Begin

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Your legs feel impossibly heavy as you run, trying your best to evade the others who are on your tail, taking shots at you that keep missing. Your lungs and muscles are both feeling the burn, but their relentless approach drives you to continue to run. You swing your arms, trying to decrease the stress of balancing whilst running; maybe that way you can run faster and better and be further away from the marauders. An arrow lands in front of you. That's new.

You dodge it swiftly and continue to run. You can't afford to get caught.

You turn the corner only to find a wire fence. That shouldn't be too hard - if only the burn in your lungs would stop and your hands would stop shaking. You catch your breath for a second before running and jumping onto a dumpster to get a leg up. Your hands grip the fence and you cuss softly as an exposed wire digs itself into the skin of your palm. You swing yourself off, checking your had as you run. It's not a big scar and a piece of cloth is fine as a bandaid.

You continue to run. They can't get you if you're inside the gates of the biggest militia here. No one in the right mind would even attempt that.

You keep going and another arrow flies past and into the ground. You dodge it only for it to explode and throw you into the wall. You groan. There's a pain in your back too now. You get up and run, though it's a lot slower. More like a limp.

Their territory is just another block from you, but from here to there, is one of the darkest streets in the city, with no streetlights and no cover. Even the homeless don't sleep here. You run, hoping you won't trip or get killed, or both. At the end of this street, the glow of torches is the light at the end of the tunnel. You force yourself to move.

As some of the adrenalin wears off, you notice the burns on your left side from the explosion. Your clothing begins to stick to your skin and you know it'll hurt to peel it off. You'll think about it later. You continue, hearing growls from stray dogs, and a few clangs from empty warehouses that you know shouldn't have anything inside. You blame the wind, but know that there's probably something darker in there. Something that scares the things that go bump in the night.

Another arrow lodges itself in the ground but you know better now. You evade it and watch as it explodes, the sound crippling your ears. There a soft, high pitch ringing about to start. You click your fingers near your ear, but the sound of muffled. You'll definitely not be hearing soft noises for a couple of weeks.

Another arrow and another dodge, but this time it's closer.

Your fingers dig through your bag where the book with a lot of information sits, causing you all the trouble, yet being the only thing that had kept you alive in the past. You clutch to it before continuing your run to the station.

"Stop," you hear. You look back for a second and there's a man, holding an arrow, about half way down the street. "Give the book to me, and I'll let you go." You're not going to listen to him. You keep going before you feel it in your calf, tearing the muscle as you continue to exert it.

Three... Two... One...

You burst into the doors, before falling in. Suddenly all guns are pointed in the direction you came in, but when you look back, the man with the arrow is gone. The admiral looks to you before taking your bag. He takes the book and smiles. "Good job." You pass out.

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