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For @MishiZama

Bars. The only place you could drown your sorrows and be accepted for it. Unfortunately, the drunk part of you was still less than the sober part of you at this point in time. With another couple shots, you might even feel the beginning of tipsy. Something they had tried had given you the worlds fastest working liver - or some crap like that. Talk about never being able to get drunk. You knew only of one person who couldn't do that and it was a shame that he wasn't here to revel in both of your sorrows.

"I don't get how you're not on the floor," the bartender came as he filled your glass up. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on the drunk guy who'd came in half an hour ago, ordered half the drinks you had, and was almost on the floor, slurring his words. How you fished you could be in his dazed state.

You shrugged. "I'm good at taking the heat."

He chuckled, winking at you. Ugh. "I see that," he said, his eyes clearly not on yours. You rolled yours before taking your newly filled drink and bringing it to your newly found drinking corner, leaving that sad bartender behind.

You sipped and still felt almost no effects. In a way, it was good that you could literally never die form alcohol poisoning. You mused about that every time you drank. The visions of the mutilated bodies and decapitated heads of both practice dummies and people made you shudder. Sad thing was, they weren't just visions. They were memories. Ones that stuck to you like the brand on your right wrist. You looked down at it, your sleeve having come up a bit. Just enough to show half of it and remind you that in a way, a part of you would never cease to to be the property of Hydra.

You took another sip, this time for those who had fallen because you hadn't.

You took more and more, still without a hint of fog coming to appease you. You put the empty glass down, shutting your eyes. Enhanced hearing. Oh what a joy in a bar where men talked about their separate lives, cheating on their wives, or drowning their own sorrows about work and the 'horrible boss who's there to ruin my life'. You tried to pick your conversations. There was the occasional interesting one where you'd get to go and use your newfound talents for good and make up for one of the incredibly long list of people who'd suffered.

Having had enough, and having had been there for over four hours, you decided to go. You picked up your leather jacket, put it back on, added your shades, and walked from your corner haven to the door, many eyes on you, searching you and making you feel disgusted at their lack of morality. You opened the door, feeling the cold air from outside rush in, but the door had felt too effortless.

Standing in front of you, the embodiment of many of your previous memories.



"(Y/N)?" he asked, confused for a second. You'd engaged in battle with him many times and had the scars to prove it. There was a cut that ran about twelve centimetres starting from your collar bone, and a bullet hole where that red head of his had shot you in the hand. You couldn't blame her for that. You'd shot her too.

You took off your glasses. "Hi."

He let out a smile. "Hey!"

His smile forced its way onto yours. He'd always had that effect.

Somehow, you'd ended up walking back in with him and reclaiming that booth from a drunkard who'd de coded that it was easier to sit on that than the barstool.

"How've you been?" he asked. He'd been the one to save you from the mind washing ability of Hydra.

You nodded, filling empty words as you stumbled for them. "Good." You stopped short. Were you actually good? "I'm fine."

He smiled. "That's good."

"How are you?"

And the your trip down memory lane began. Oh Brooklyn. The town with many secrets and way too many ghosts for your liking.


You stopped short, yet again. The man was full of surprises. Even as children he'd surprise you with new games, ways of thinking, words he'd learned. "What?" you asked, requiring a repetition of what he'd just said.

He sighed. "Come with me."

"Where?" Your voice was soft. Unsure.

"To SHIELD. To meet the gang."

His offer was tempting, but the risk wasn't worth the reward. "They know about me, Steve. I can't just rock up to their door and say 'hey! I've changed. Wanna give me another chance? I promise not to kill innocent people anymore!'. At least you were on the right side."

He shook his head. "(Y/N). You didn't know what you were doing."

"But they don't know that."

He didn't give up. "Come with me."

"No. I - "

"Come. Please."

You sighed, the loom on his face lulling you into feeling the need to follow him. "Ok." And you regretted it the moment you said it.


Palms sweaty from the nerves that threatened to over take you and immobilise you, the lift doors opened to allow you access to what was The Avengers HQ, with the well renowned Nick Fury and team standing there, seemingly ready to attack you.

You took in a shaky breath. "Hi," you said.

Steve sighed. "Guys, back off."

Tony scrutinised you. "You do realise that she's the one who killed thousands and thousands of innocent - "

Steve's glare shut him up. "Look. She was under the control of Hydra. You can't blame her."

Clint was the next one to rip into her. "And her clear ability to kill us all?"

"She's not going to - "

"What if she does?"

You sighed. "It's ok. I'll go."

Natasha cleared her throat. "No. She's cool." She could read the desperation on Steve's face. She looked to Bruce who immediately nodded.

"Yep. I agree."

You couldn't help but smile a little. It was nice to be accepted somewhere.

"Let's take a vote," Fury decided.

You prayed that they would let you stay. Rejection wasn't nice.

"In, put your hand up."

It was slow, but eventually there was a majority.

Fury nodded. "Ok. Welcome to the Avengers."


Hope it was like something you imagined :p

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