Clint (Request) | PDA

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Requested by Fandom_Before_Blood

"You and Clint? No way. I would never have guessed," Nat said as the both of you walked onto the craft together. Tony turned back, looking at the both of you before turning back, knowing this was girl time.

Nat laughed. "Go away, Tony!"

He put raised his arms, cowering slightly.

You laughed, going to sit in your seat whilst she sat in hers next to you.

"Yes, me and Clint are together."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"You don't do anything. You don't kiss, cuddle or anything. You just stand there and talk. Like come on. If this is how you show your relationship, you might as well be dating Tony."

"I heard that!" he called, tutting you.

"Turn back around!" you scolded, laughing.

He rolled his eyes. "I will never understand the both of you! Jarvis! Back me up here, buddy!"

"Will do, sir," Jarvis replied before turning silent. You had a good laugh at that.

Nat bought your attention back. "So you and Clint. Together?"

You laughed. "We're about to go to battle and that's all you can think about?"

"Think about what?" Clint asked as he entered the craft and sat on the wall side, facing the both of you.

"You and her? Really?" she asked, looking extremely unbelieving. "Where's the hidden camera at?"

He chuckled. "We're really together."

"Then why is your hand not holding hers?"

He shrugged. "Holding hands doesn't make it a relationship."

"Got you there!" Tony called before once again being quietened.

"What's happening?" Bruce asked as he walked in with Thor.

"Right we're all here. Jarvis, take off."

They buckled up as the craft took off and you found your relationship being the center of a group discussion.

"You're a couple? Since when?" Bruce asked, on the verge of laughing from the seemingly impossible situation.

You shrugged, looking to Clint who replied. "Two months."

"TWO MONTHS?!" Nat was extremely surprised. "How good of a liar are you both?!"

"Nat," you complained. "We're not lying. We just don't do the whole PDA thing."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"I'm siding with her on this one," Thor added.


"Clint, you can't - " Then the intercom went silent as you prayed that he hadn't done anything stupid. It was less than a second before you heard his breathing and Quicksilver's breathing too. Then there was one less breath. Your hand clutched your mouth in an attempt at not crying. Had it been Clint?

You honestly would've picked him before the mutant in any circumstance. Did that make you a horrible person?

You pushed past people and ran to where you'd seen him running, finding him there, with Quicksilver stunned but unharmed. You ran to him, hugging him and kissing him, not caring that right behind you was a petrified Avenger.

"Don't scare me like that!" you cried, hitting him before kissing him.

He chuckled. "Sorry. I love you."

"I love you. Don't leave me."



From a distance, Natasha cleared her throat. "Now I think I see it."

Thor laughed. "They're cute together."

They both watched happily until they decided it was a bit too disturbing and looked away. "Too much tongue," Thor said, pretending to throw up.

Tony chuckled, landing in his Iron Man suit, mask up. "I think we need to implement a no PDA rule."

They both nodded. "Agreed."

Bruce roared from the other side in agreement, though the sound didn't stop the happy couple, making the others laugh.

Nat took one last look before deciding that it wasn't in her best interest and vowing that she never wanted to see you make out with Clint ever again.


LOL there. Something not so sad :P

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