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Valentine's Day. Oh how everyone but you seemed to have had a date on Valentine's Day. Well, up until now.

Literally the day after last year's Valentine's Day, you'd met Mr. Right. He was perfect. He was tall, he was buff and he treated you like he was from another era. He was always chivalrous. You wondered why he didn't have a girlfriend and figure that out soon after New York.

"Hey! Steve! You in?" you call. He said he's be here.

You walk in, take your coat off and hang it up. His coat isn't there so you don't expect him.

You go ahead and make yourself a cup of hot chocolate. It's always nice in cold weather.

You finish it and he's still not here. You sigh. A no show maybe?

You try to thing positively, but when you call and it goes straight to voice mail, you feel a gut instinct that someone's wrong. Maybe he's hooking up with the Black Widow. You've met her once and you were blown away. That woman could rock anything.

"Hey. It's Steve. Leave a message." Then the annoying beep comes on and you leave your message.

"Hey, Steve. Just wondering where you are. It's totally cool if you forgot our plans, just checking to see if you're ok." Then you hang up and sigh.

Deciding you're not going to mope anymore, you go and watch some TV with your trusty bucket of ice cream. You hadn't been planning to buy it, but you had just incase and well, it was a good investment.


Hours pass, and he's still a no show.

You've watched about three re-runs of the same show on TV, and you're just about ready to call it a night and go to bed.

You trudge your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and your hair and getting ready for bed. A warm shower relaxes you and you stop thinking about what he might be doing.

As you step out of the shower, you hear something tapping on the floor. Almost scratching. You freeze. You've watched enough movies to know that any suspicious sounds are not good. You really wish that Steve was here right now.

You hide behind the door and take in a few deep breaths. It's probably just your imagination.

You hear the tapping scratching sound again. You almost cuss out loud as you hear it come closer. And closer... And closer...

You grab the only solid thing you can see - your hair straightener. You turn it on and hope it heats up fast of you're in trouble. The tapping is getting closer.

You breathe, trying calm yourself.

Now you hear footsteps. A little clunky and you hear a lot of grunts. You are beginning to panic. There is someone in your house, and they are out to get you.

You clutch the straightener tighter, getting ready to burn the life out of whoever tries to get you.




You hear the intruder come close enough. You scream and thrust the straightener on them. You can hear a scream. And then you realise who's out there.

You run out, gasping and laughing a little, relieved that it's not a scary murderer, but it's just Steve. The poor man has his hands burned.

"Oh my gosh!" you gasp and laugh and cry all at the same time. You fling yourself at him.

He looks at you meekly. "Can I please have some ice?"

"Oh. Right." You ran and get him some ice. His body regenerates so fast he'll be fully healed in a couple of hours.

Then your hear the scratching tapping noise again. "Steve..." you whimper, standing behind him.

He chuckles and that freaky as noise comes closer and closer.

Then a little head makes an appearance and you get it. "Oh my god! You got me a puppy!" you squeal, hugging him.

"Yeah. Happy Valentine's Day."

He laughs a little before holding out his iced hand for the puppy to come. It comes and you pick it up. "Oh! You're adorable!" It pretty much falls straight asleep in your arms.

You smile. "Thank you, Steve."

He smiles, pecking you and blushing. He still hasn't gotten over that and it makes you giggle softly. You don't want to wake up your new puppy.

"I love you," you whisper.

He smiles. You love his smile too. "I love you too." And that just makes your heart melt.

He pats the little guys head. "So what are you going to name him?"




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Please someone give me an idea for Clint D:

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