Natasha | Shadows

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"I've got this, ok?" you said, running across the roof, unknown to the enemy. You jumped through an open glass panel that covered the old warehouse and right before you entered full free fall you shot the claw and almost immediately felt a tug as it slowed your acceleration.

A spray of bullets came from your gun, hitting multiple people, but a lot less than you'd expected to be here. You fell fast enough to not see the blood splatter and get sick. It was funny being a top assassin and being incapable of enjoying, or at least stomaching, the sight of blood.

Your feet hit the ground almost silently. You'd gotten good at that quite fast.

"I'm in," you said, the microphone picking up the sound and sending it back to Alex who was sitting in the van a few blocks away, checking the heat signals for a six block radius.

"Got that," he replied, making you laugh a little. "Go left and take the third door." You followed his instructions and found yourself in a wider room. "First door on the right wall."

You ran for it and opened it only to see a woman with red hair standing there, shooting pretty much everyone. She aimed her gun at you and you froze for a second. She frowned, flipping her hair and somehow mesmerising you.

"(Y/N). (Y/N). Are you listening to me? (Y/N). You haven't secured the area." Alex's voice rang in your head but you couldn't think of anything accept for the fear and awe.

You blinked a couple times before you realised she'd lowered her gun. Alex still droned on in your ear. You cleared your throat. "No, A. It's fine," you said.

The woman stared at you. "You're clearly here for something," she said, batting her eyelashes at you, whether or not it was on purpose or not.

You suddenly felt very uncomfortable. "I uh..." You looked around at bodies. You heard a groan before she turned and shot at it. It fell silent and you shook your head. "Not anymore."

She laughed and for a second, you didn't feel so scared of her. "I'm Natasha."

You nodded. "(Y/N)."

She unloaded and reloaded her guns before returning them back to their holsters. "Well, if you were here to kill them all, you're pretty much done."

You scoffed, giggling a bit. "Right."

She smiled. "Are you busy later?"


"You are now."


You sat in a small diner beside a desolate highway, Natasha in front of you, the both of you reading the menus.

The waitress, who looked as though she wished she were anywhere but here, came up to you and smiled pathetically. "Hi. My name is Amy. Can I take your order and a tip?"

You looked at her funny for a second before handing her a five. Natasha laughed and the waitress immediately softened. "Just kidding," she said, handing you back the five. "Hey, Nat. How you doing?"

Natasha smiled. "Good." She handed the menu to the waitress. "I'll have the usual."

You hesitated. "Can I have the uh... Steak?"

She smiled. "Of course. I'll be back with the orders." She took your menu and walked off, leaving you and Natasha alone.

Natasha smiled, leaning in. "So, (Y/N). How'd you get into the business?"


She pulled into a parking lot, closer to the city, and immediately had the two of you on the way to a club which, at the rather late time of one in the morning, was still blasting music and serving drinks.

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