Loki | Magic

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The snowflakes fell slowly, the droplets of water in the air becoming lower in temperature than their freezing point. One landed in your hand before melting. You wished that you could see each and every individual pattern and you wished that you too could make them.

Loki breathed out again, and more little snow flakes were made. He smiled at you, showing off his pearly whites. You smiled back, holding out your hand for more snowflakes. There was a certain beauty about the way he could turn moisture in the air into ice.

His long, slender fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled your turned up hand closer to his mouth. He blew out slowly and the beginning of a human like snow sculpture. It turned to ice and you were amazed at the detail. On your hand, the ice version of you. He looked at you from under his dark lashes, another smile crossing his face. You awed at the detail. Regardless of it's tiny size, the face was impeccable. It was definitely you.

"Where'd you learn to do this?" you asked, watching as the figure melted. His cupped hands moved to catch the water slipping between your fingers. The water disappeared.

"My mo - Frigga - once taught me..."

You just gazed at him.

"You're staring."

"I'm gazing."

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic."

He chuckled, putting his index finger under your chin and luring you in. He kissed you. "I love you."

You smiled, folding your legs under yourself so you could sit closer to him. "I love you too." You kissed the top of his nose and giggled. "Ok. Show me."

"Show you what?"

"How to use magic."

He shook his head. "I can't teach you that."

You pouted. "Why?"

He sighed. "Oh, my love, so eager to learn..." He'd refused you before, but you could see his defences begin to crack. You began to feel hope that he might actually teach you.

"So will you teach me?"

He gave in and nodded. You flung your arms around him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" you cried out, giggling.

Anything to make you happy.

He sat you down away from him, creating a small solid flower for you. It was made of glass and with a little extra magic was able to have been solidified. You reached out to touch it and feel its soft petals. "It's beautiful..."

He smiled. "Alright. Consentrate on the colours... Do you see how it lacks that?"

You nodded.

"Turn it red..."

You stared at the little flower and watched as the stem slowly began to go red. It was like watched dye in water. It spread in cloud like formations.

"Keep concentrating..." His voice was soothing, but it broke your concentration. The colours stopped and the rose remined partially red before the colour disappeared into thin air.

"I can't concentrate when you talk to me," you told him.

He chuckled. "You need to learn to be able to."

You huffed. "Let me try again."

"Very well." He created another flower. This time you got further.

Then you tried another. The red filled it. You gasped, grinning at him. "I did it!" The red began to go white and he pulled his fingers away, the flower burning through the bedsheets.

"Are you ok?!" you gasped.

He nodded, blowing on his fingers. "Magic is dangerous, (Y/N). Perhaps another time."

You smiled softly, slightly disappointed, but glad you knew how to do something now. "Another time it is."


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D HELLLOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO I hope you enjoyed that, I wish i had magic, do you wish you had it too?

Also, did you get the TVD reference????? :O

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