Thor | The Math Teacher

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To say you were surprised, was an understatement.

There he stood, nerd glasses on, one of those pointers in his hands, and a suit with elbow patches. You raised an eyebrow. What was Thor doing here, teaching your class. Well 'teaching' your class. He'd barely began and it had been five minutes.

You waited a little, getting nervous for him. When he'd said he wanted to be closer to you, you didn't think this was what he meant.

He cleared his throat. "Good day, class," he said. You visibly cringed. The nervousness was replaced with notification. If he blew his cover, or told the class he was your boyfriend, you were going to die just that little bit on the inside.

You gulped as he began to fumble around for something.

He pulled out a piece of paper. "Ah ha!" he cried. "This, class, is a mathematics paper," he said. "It says that uh... Find x! Class, find x!"

Johnny, the trouble maker in your class laughed, strutting up to the board and drawing a big x on it. "Found it, sir," he said, chuckling. His friends laughed along. You really wanted to die.

Thor looked at him puzzled. "What is the meaning of this?" he muttered to himself, but everyone could hear it.

He read through the papers again. "Find x+2?"

Again Johnny drew it on the board. "Found it!" he laughed.

Thor glared at him. "Speak again and I shall crush you!"

Johnny stared at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "Look, Mr... Odinson. You've got a cool last name, but you suck at your job."

Thor grabbed the boy by the collar. "Shut your mouth."

He trembled and went to sit back at his seat.

Thor cleared his throat then went all nice math teacher on you again. You groaned. This was going to be a long double period.

Sorry. That was bad. :( I'm kinda running low on inspiration and school is driving me crazy.
Hope you all are doing something more fun :p

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