Loki | Welcome To Earth

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"I'm really sorry. I'm confused... What's this?" you asked, reading through the folder.

"An assignment," Fury said, looking rather angered, but in control.

Anywhere that there was a name, black ink had replaced it, wiping it from the records. "What is it?" You pulled out a picture. "Or who is it?"

He landed in. "Loki."


"Loki? The one from New York?"

He nodded. "That's the one."

You cleared your throat. "...And the assignment?"

"We're integrating him into society." And then you heard him mutter, "God help us all."


You sat in a black SUV led by two and tailed by two. Talk about low key.

"Five minutes to the zone," one of the agents said.

You nodded, slightly unsure as to what you were actually supposed to do. The assignment was rather vague being, 'Integrate the subject into society and ensure his low profile living'. Given it didn't sound so bad, you'd left it alone until now. But after hearing of the horror stories of working with Loki, you were beginning to get slightly nervous.

The cars began to slow until they stopped in a small desolate desert town. The door closest to you opened. "Miss?" one of the security guards said, calling you out of your worries. You nodded and got out of the car, barely making it to his chin. You could see him think about just how inadequate you were at this job. You believed it too.

"Follow me please," the same man said, making you scurry after him with every step as you tried to keep your files to yourself.

Usual protocol meant briefing the subject for whatever was going to happen and you were slightly unsure as how to do that. So you'd written in out and hoped for the best.

You reached a SHIELD base that had been disguised as the town and were brought through tunnel upon tunnel of metal and concrete until you reached a glass cylinder with Loki sitting on a rather uncomfortable looking bed, much like the picture in your briefing file.

"Right this way," a woman said, dressed in usual SHIELD attire but armed with two tasers instead of one. That didn't inspire much confidence. You found yourself fidgeting as she led you closer. "Don't be shy. He can't reach you from in there." Clearly she didn't get the point. You handed her the briefing sheet that Fury had given you to give to her. She read it before nodding. "Open the glass." You gulped as you saw him stand. If the security personnel had been tall, this was another level.

He didn't even acknowledge you as he came to stand in front of the woman, holding out his wrists which were cuffed.

She took a key out from her pocket. Strange place to put such a highly important key until you realised it was finger print coded. He'd have to chop her finger off to escape. That also didn't inspire confidence. He looked extremely capable.

"Loki, this is Agent (Y/L/N)," the woman said as though this was a simple meet and greet.

"Hello," he said, his green eyes mischievous.

The words were stuck in your throat as your body pumped adrenalin to run. You flexed your hand in an attempt to gain mobility. You handed him the piece of paper.

He frowned as he read it, as though it intrigued him and confused him at the same time. Then he just chuckled. "Very well. Where to?"

You felt very uncomfortable as you cleared your throat. "This way," you said, your voice soft and slightly shaky. Wow. Nice way to give an outstanding first introduction.

And with that, you were back in the car with Loki by your side, and ready for the next flight back to New York. Why did you have a bad feeling about this?


"Ah. This is a lovely dwelling," he said, smiling as he walked into the apartment. Two security personnel would stand guard outside if you needed anything or if he attempted to escape or hurt you. Again, not an awe inspiring thought.

"Well this is going to be it for you for a while," you said, not quite sure why you said it. It was a lovely apartment with many, many more square feet than yours, not to mention its stylish decorations and perfect colour matched furniture.

He stopped, turning on his heel and cocking his head to the side. "You're going to leave me here? Alone?" he asked though it sounded more like a challenge.

Flustered. That's how you felt.

"Uh, yes. But of course there'll be two guards outside at all times."

"And what if I escape through the window?"

Why did he have to be so tall? He towered over you, making his words seem scarier. The only thing keeping you from running or calling the guards in was the twinkle in his eye that showed that underneath all of the theatricality of his language, he was just having fun.

"I, uh, I'd suggest that you don't do that."

He took a step back and let you breathe before he disappeared into the hallway of the apartment. You chased after him, afraid that he'd just disappear and Fury would have your head.

He turned to look at you as you reached the door frame to his bedroom. "There's no clothing," he said, seemingly appalled at the empty wardrobe.

You blinked a few times. How had you forgotten about that? "I'll arrange for a tailor to come by and - "

"But the aim of this is to integrate me into Midgardian society. Doesn't that mean that you should teach me the human art of 'shopping'?"

He did have a point...

No! You were being persuaded!

You shook your head. "Not until Fury - "

"Declares me safe?" he asked, taking a step forward. "Trustworthy?"

At your fright he began to laugh.

"Oh mortal, I am none of those things. The God of Mischief doesn't play to your mortal rules."

"I - "

"Shopping it is then," he said, a childish smile coming into his face.

What just happened? Did he just - ? You sighed giving in and all you could think about was the long talk you'd have to have with Fury about being unsafe with Loki.


@Pandarosita thank you for the idea!!

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