Tony (Request) | Uh no.

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For @Real0rN0tReal

"We're home!" you laughed, getting out of the car with Pepper. The usual business trips interstate were a bit of a drag, but you were glad to be home and were most definitely ready to relax.

"Welcome back, Mrs. Stark. Welcome back, Miss Stark," Jarvis greeted. You smiled. Begin the adopted daughter of one Tony Stark brought you all of the best things in life.

"Hey, Jarvis."

You went up the stairs that led to the living room from the garage and immediately found yourself being pulled into a pair of strong arms. Thank you Clinton Barton.

You swooned a little on the inside.

A giggle escaped your lips as he picked you up and spun you around. "Welcome back," he said. It sounded better than the way Jarvis said it. It had more feeling to it. Maybe that was simply because Jarvis wasn't exactly human.

You smiled at him as he put you down. "I missed you," he said.

You were quick to return the words.

It was funny. Every night you'd Skyped him, and yet you still missed him. You'd only been away for a week, but it had seemed like one week too long. You pulled him close and hugged him, simply enjoying his presence.

"Miss, Mr. Stark is approaching."

You pulled away from Clint, not having told your father you were dating anyone. Let alone Clint.

You smiled sheepishly at him before offering him a handshake so that your dad wouldn't be suspicious.

Just as Jarvis had said, he came in on seconds later to find the both of you shaking hands. He grinned at Clint. "Don't get too frisky with my daughter now." He came to sling his arm around your shoulder. He looked straight at you, his other hand specifically used for pointing. "No dating until you're fifty."

You groaned. "Dad, seriously. Stop."

He gave you a pat on the back before leaving with a 'I'm watching you' gesture to Clint.

You sighed, apologising to Clint. "He's overprotective."

Clint chuckled, pulling you close again. "No. I never noticed."

You smiled, leaning in and kissing him. One thing led to another and you ended up on the couch, making out.

And that's when you heard a screech of an inhale. Clint moved away, immediately putting his hands in the air.

Tony stood there, gasping and making nonsensical noises that kind of felt like a fish gasping for breath.

"No!" he suddenly shouted, pointing the finger at Clint as though he were a dog. "Bad! No! No exchanging carbon dioxide particles and such molecules! No!" By then he'd created a pillow fort between the both of you.

"Tony - " Clint tried

"A no. No no no no no no no! You shush. No." He pushed Clint back a bit, stuffing another pillow between you. Then he turned on you. "What are you thinking?! Arrow guy?! No! You're supposed to be smart! Don't date in the Avengers group! What happens if you break up huh?! What are you thinking?! (Y/N)?!!"

You sighed, holding a finger up. "Dad."

He glared at you.

"Dad. Clint's good. Don't worry about us."

"Oh I'm sure he's good. Good in bed!" He glared at Clint. "Is that why you're missing all the time?! I swear if you - "

You were very red now, face in hands. "Dad, stop," you groaned.

Tony took in a deep breath, almost swearing. "Clinton bloody Barton. If you hurt my little girl, I will have you torn limb by limb then sewn back together and REPEAT THE BLOODY PROCESS. Do you hear me?!"

Clint nodded, gulping a little. There weren't a lot of times where Clint was scared of Tony, or Tony's threats sounded like they'd have a follow up, but here was one.

You gave Clint and apologetic look.

He shook his head, sighing.

Tony continued to fume for a while before he grabbed Clint by he collar and pulled him in close. "If you hurt her, you will wish you had never been born." Then he let go and walked out, leaving an iron man suit to sit in between the both of you.

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