Clint | Reading

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"I'm tired. This mission sucks," you groaned, leaning back on a very uncomfortable pillow made of an itchy blanket, the same one that was over your body. The bed under you wasn't any more comforting. It was some sort of fabrics stretched over a metal frame. It wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't soft. It gave the feeling of squishing your bones together when you slept a certain way.

Clint, who'd graciously taken the floor, since the man selling the tent had ripped you off, looked no less rested than you. He sighed. "I know."

"What are we here for again?"

"Hydra base, three miles from here."

You turned to face him and sighed. "I hate Hydra."

He chuckled, putting his book down. Clint read? That was new. You'd never even seen him bring the book. Maybe it had been in his bag of many things. Many things that he didn't want to show you.

He caught you eyeing his book. "Yes I read. Did you bring a book?"

You scoffed. "I got into SHIELD because I wanted to be an agent. Not to read. I stopped reading the moment I left college."

He laughed. "Reading is good."

You passed. "I think we should be talking about our plan, not reading about... What are you reading about?"

He just stared at you. "Well..."


He gave in. "I'm reading Twilight."

Your eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"No!" He laughed. "The Hunger Games, actually."

You grinned. Clint reading the Hunger Games? Funny.

"Are you being serious?"

He pulled a false cover off the book and sure enough, it was The Hunger Games.


He nodded. "I think I'm team Gale."


Um. Idk what that was :p When I started writing, it was gonna be like gloomy and h/c like, but it just ended up super random 😸😸

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