Steve | Volleyball

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You yawned, stretching and relaxing back into the sand. Ah. Nice. The sun was nice on your skin, giving you the vital vitamin D your body craved.

"Hey. Hey," you heard, your sun being blocked. You sighed, opening your eyes.

"What?" you asked Darcy.

"Hey. Come on. Play volleyball with us."

You groaned. "No." You shut your eyes and tried to relax. She threw the ball at your legs and you swatted at her. "Darcy! Are you serious?!"

She groaned, dropping to her knees over you and shaking your shoulders hard. "Come on! This isn't fair! Jane's got a partner to play and I don't wanna verse the two of them together!"

You groaned some more before grumbling. "Just ask Thor to stop playing."

She shook you again. "It's not Thor."

"Then ask whoever it is to stop playing! Or Jane!"

She giggled. "It's Steve."

Your eyes snapped open. "What?! And you didn't tell me? Help me up."

She grinned, pulling you up and dragging you to the makeshift court.

You grinned when you saw Steve. "Hey!" you said.

Jane grinned at you and you just grinned back.

"Hey. Nice to see you again," Steve said, smiling.

Jane said something to Darcy which ended up in Darcy speaking up. "Hey. Let's swap. I wanna be with Jane."

You knew what was happening. And you liked it.

"Ok," Steve said. He had his shirt off from the heat and damn he looked good. Little butterflies invaded your stomach.

"Ready?!" Darcy shouted, hitting the ball. You hit first, cheering with Steve.

Jane hit back and both of you went straight for the ball, colliding. His lips touched yours and you could hear the squeals coming from Darcy and the hushes coming from Jane.

"Sorry," he said, going red and moving back.

You blinked a couple of times. "It's fine."

Darcy giggled.


Thank you all for 20K :*

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