Loki | Storm

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Flash. You flinched then came the thunder. Light always travelled faster than sound.

You clutched your pillow tighter, whimpering slightly. You knew it was stupid to be scared of storms, after all the chances of them killing you were rather slim. You looked to your door knowing that just another door past that was someone who was probably sleeping very well and enjoying the Egyptian cotton you'd most graciously given him.

You pulled you blanket up to you chin before you tried to sleep, shutting your eyes.

The light was visible even through shut eyelids and again the boom followed. It was torrential rain outside.

You sighed, tossing and turning until you gave up. You climbed out of bed, took your blanket and ran for the room opposite to yours before another flash of lighting and clap of thunder could make you jump.

You bust through the door to see Loki sleeping soundly. You sighed. You didn't want to disturb him.

You jumped as the thunder roared again and hit your hand on the door knob. It was one of the pains that started out alright, then got worse before it got better. You groaned, holding your hand.

You heard a groan as a sleepy Loki looked at you. "(Y/N)? What are you doing in here? Couldn't get enough of me?"

You rolled your eyes. "No. I... I don't worry - "

"Hey. I'm just joking. Are you alright?"

You shrugged and flinched as the storm brewed up some more thunder that sounded louder than the other ones.

He noticed your fear and sighed, moving over. "Come over here," he said, smiling.

You immediately got into the bed, the warmth comforting you.

He slipped his arm behind you as you snuggled into your own blanket. You lay back, resting on his arm.

"Do you want to tell me where this irrational fear comes from, princess?" he asked, adjusting himself to be even closer to you.

You sighed, watching his emerald eyes dance. "I don't know. Ever think you might get struck by lightning?"

He chuckled. "I live with that fear everyday." He looked up to the ceiling. "Thor! That goes to you! Stop this storm!" he yelled.

You couldn't help but giggle. "Yes please, Thor."

Loki smiled. It was nice to see him smile genuinely. He didn't let you see that a lot of the time - especially not with anyone else around.

You smiled back at him.

"Don't be scared of a storm," he said, his lips close to your ear. "I'm sure it's more scared of you."

You giggled. "Thanks."

He grinned and back came the mask. "You're welcome, princess. But if a storm is all it takes for you to get in bed with me, I might have to keep Thor around a little longer."

You rolled your eyes. "I'll go back." The lightning struck and you flinched.

"Oh really?" he asked, musing over the control he had over you just because of a simple storm.

You gave him a kick to the shins and he feigned hurt. "That was uncalled for," he complained.

You poked your tongue out before adjusting yourself to sleep in a more comfortable position. His other arm went around you, holding you tight.

He kissed you hair before you closed your eyes. "Goodnight, my love."


Random thought, I should probably be asleep. It's past 2 am. Other actual thought, OH MY GOD. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!! I'm 3rd on the first page!!!! Ahhhhh! 😃😃😃😃 also, so many reads!!! Thank you <3

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