Tony | Asgard

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"I've gotta hand it to you, buddy. You've really got a nice pad," Tony said, chuckling. Thor had invited him to Asgard to hopefully overcome his fear of alien races by taking him to the most human one first.

"I know," Thor replied, grinning and patting Tony's shoulder. Tony was still in his suit, slightly paralysed by fear. Jarvis had taken over suit control and so all Tony had to do was stand still.

The Asgardian people stared at him as he, Steve, Bruce, Natasha and Clint walked through the streets and to the palace where Odin sat on his throne with a rather pleasant smile.

"Hi," Tony said, completely disrupting tradition.

Odin was a little taken back but just laughed, knowing the metal man's fears. "Hello. Welcome to Asgard."

"Tony, take the mask off," Natasha said, tapping his arm. "Don't be so disrespectful."

Tony sighed before taking it off. The air was surprisingly fine. He turned to Odin. "Sorry, your uh... Excellency... I uh, kind of don't like... Aliens - I mean the uh... The rest of the universe... Nothing personal. I just kind of flew into a portal where a bunch of aliens were and may or may not have nuked them. God bless America."

Everyone stared at him before erupting in laughter.

"Ah. Alright. Well, why don't you show them around, Thor?" Odin said.

"Well... Father... I was actually planning to train... I haven't been back in along time."

Odin nodded. "That you haven't." The two Asgardian men thought about it for a second before Odin came to a conclusion. "(Y/N)," he called.

You came scurrying out, a smile on your face. You'd never seen anyone from Midgard.

"Hello," you said.

Tony couldn't keep his eyes off you. "Hi," he said.

You giggled. "Hi."

Natasha gave him a look before getting a look from Clint, making her stifle a giggle. "Hi," she said. "I'm Natasha."

They all took turns introducing themselves to you before you took them on a grand tour.


Tony walked beside you. "So you live here..."

You raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "Yes. I'm from Asgard. And you're a Midgardian."

"We prefer Earthling."

You nodded. "Earthling."

He cracked a smile.

"And this suit of yours... You made it?"

"Yes... Do you like it?"

You smiled. "It's very interesting."

He seemed appeased at that answer.

Natasha laughed, whispering to Clint, "I think he's starting to get over his fear."

Tony continued to make small talk with you as you showed them around before you finally got to where Thor was, fighting with his closest friends.

The others went to spar, but Tony stayed with you.

"Will you not fight?" you asked.

He gave you a wary look. "I'm not much of a fighter. I'm more of a peace maker."

"That designs weapons?"

He looked at you strangely. "How do you know?"

You shrugged. "That suit doesn't look like something peaceful."

"Actually, it carries life support."

"And missiles." You touched the shoulder area, feeling the bump.

"How do you know that?"

"She's not stupid, Tony!" Natasha called.

Tony rolled his eyes, stepping on Asgardian ground for the first time, still separated by the suit. It fell of him in pieces. "There," he said. "See? Peace maker."

You laughed.

"Come join me, (Y/N)!" Thor shouted from one of the training squares - white squares painted into the ground to show the bounds of sparring and training, allowing for strips of land to walk on.

"Coming, my lord," you called, walking over.

"Pick any sword," he said.

You pulled one out and held it up. It was a good blade. You could feel it. Weight distribution was near perfect.

The rest of your Midgardian guests came and Thor chuckled. "Are we putting on a show?" he asked, still chuckling.

You hit the tip of his sword and watched as he turned into the the warrior Thor.

"Go!" he shouted.

Nothing happened. You weren't one to lunge first. He took his chance and you took a single step, his sword missing you. Tony looked a little shaken up.

Then you lunged and Thor blocked. It was like dancing. You knew how he moved and he knew how you moved. The two of you moved in a synchronised dance before you picked out his usual flaw and stepped to his right before lunging to his left. He shifted to one side before you moved your foot closer to him and watched as he toppled down.

He landed with a thud. You swung the sword before pointing it at his throat. "I believe I win, my lord."

He chuckled, getting up the moment you removed your sword. "Indeed you do."

You turned around and saw the very shocked faces of Tony, Bruce and Steve, and the awed expressions of Clint and Natasha. You smiled. "Come on. I'll show you to the gardens."

Tony chuckled. "Peaceful indeed."

You rolled your eyes. "Peaceful doesn't mean docile."

He nodded. "Touché."


They walked the rainbow bridge, with you following behind with Thor.

"Hey... Banner," Tony said, nudging him whilst taking a peek at you.


"Ever think about migrating?"

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