Thor | Know Your Worth

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Requested by rebellrocket



You stood there unsure of what to say. Were you supposed to respond? You couldn't quite remember. Out of everything that he'd ever said, this was the most unanticipated. You were left dumbstruck for a moment.

"You're home," you said, your fingers lightly touching his tunic as a form of distraction.

He chuckled. "I thought we established that the moment I walked in the door."

Thor hadn't been back to Asgard in what felt like forever, though it had only been a month or two. Of course, you were still entertained with the court life that provided endless bickering, but without him, you sometimes felt loss. It was against everything you stood for as an Asgardian. Dependency wasn't something you craved. But when it came to him, dependency was all that stood out for you.

You dropped your hand, afraid of what he might think.

Instead of leaving it to you, he took it and held it. The time had taken a toll on him too. You hadn't been separated this much since the time he had to go to 'kingly training' when he was five, and he misbehaved and was put on a sort of time out for about three weeks, but even then you'd both snuck out to see each other

"Tell me what you're thinking about," he whispered, voice soft. "Or as the mortals say, don't leave me hanging." He added a chuckle to the end of it, and you couldn't help but smile.

Momentarily, you collected your thoughts before answering him. "I didn't think you did," you admitted.

He frowned, making you look down in shame. "Why would you ever doubt us? After all this time that we've spent, growing up together, fighting, playing, making up... What could ever shake us?"

You shrugged but he knew you had an answer. It only took a simple lifting of your chin to make you unravel. "Jane."

The one word summed it all up.

"Jane..." he echoed, sighing as he used his free hand to cup and rub the back of his neck. "Jane and I... We were never going to be everlasting."

That surprised you. Your features moulded into the same surprise and reflected them justly until you scrambled to look less interested. He had a laugh at that before simply smiling at you. "Don't doubt me," he said. You looked away and he sighed, making you look at him again. "Don't doubt me."

You nodded. "Fine."

He smirked. "I don't believe you."

Now it was your turn to sigh. "I don't doubt you, my lord," you said, adding the formality as a point of sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes before focusing them back on you. "So let us begin again." He let go of you before walking out of your chambers and pausing momentarily. You hadn't noticed it, but he was anxious. you had the ability to make a prince anxious.

You stood there as he knocked on the door three times before bargaining in. He stopped in front of you. "(Y/N), I love you."

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