Chapter 33

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Katniss' POV
(A/N: Yeah, I messed up in the last chapter, when I said that Cinna didn't know about the pregnancy whoops😂 He found out in chapter 31, thanks for YljaVanderWerf for giving me a heads up! Go read her fanfics as well lol)
It's been about a month since we came home from the Victory Tour. It was way too nice to get back home, and off that train, even though Madge didn't do anything else, other than tease me, after the comment about getting laid. Ugh, that girl sometimes.

I snap out of my thoughts, when I feel something stir inside of me. Then, a horrible fear kicks in. I feel myself shaking, trying to figure out what exactly this is. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but it just feels weird. Is there something wrong?

"Katniss?" Peeta asks in a concerned tone, sitting up in the bed. He pulls me up as well, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"There's something.. moving, inside of me," I say quietly. Peeta places his hands on my stomach.

"Katniss, that's the baby. It's moving." The comment makes me even more scared than I were before. It also reminds me about the fact that I still haven't told anyone new about this, since Haymitch.

I take a quick glance at Peeta, to see his face shining with happiness. But when he sees my face, that's contracted in fear, his big grin fades. He pulls me closer, and I snuggle my face into his chest.

"It's going to be okay. Everything will be okay. I promise."


"You still haven't told your mother yet, right?" Peeta asks, as he comes in with a newly baked loaf for breakfast.

"It's not like you've told your family, either," I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." He mumbles, removing his eyes from me.

"Nevermind," I mutter.

"Speaking of my family," he says, dumping down besides me, by the dining table. "I have to go to the bakery today."

"What?" I ask in a clearly unhappy tone. "We have plans today!"

"I know, but it's kind of an emergency."

"Can't it wait until tomorrow, where you actually had to go anyways?"

"If I could, do you think I would cancel our plans?"

I roll my eyes at him, and break off a piece of bread, not even caring to use the knife, lying right next to the loaf.

"I'd better get going," He informs me, wanting to avoid the tension in the air. He kisses my cheek, and leaves me all alone. Moments later, I hear the door slam.

He's been going to the bakery at the weirdest times lately. I almost never even see him anymore. We, after a long time, finally planned a day, to spend together. But then what does he do? Run off to the bakery.

Obviously, that thought has crossed my mind once or twice. But Peeta would never cheat.

I shake my head free from the horrible thought, and decide to give Madge a call to hear if she has any plans since mine got cancelled.

She picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Madge asks, sounding a little annoyed. After she goes silent, I hear low murmurs in the back.

"Um, is this a bad time?" I ask, curious because of her tone.

"Kind of. I'm in the middle of hanging out with someone." she mumbles impatiently.

"Who, may I ask?" I suddenly feel offended that she is hanging out with someone else, other than me.

"Gal-WOO!" She squrims, a bunch of loud giggles followed after.

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