Chapter 19

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Katniss' POV
When I wake up, I feel my bare skin brushing against somebody else's. Peeta's.
For a second, I think about, if I regretted last night, but I don't. I scoot closer to his warm body, and pecks his lips.
I suddenly realize that my fingers are fiddling with elastic band of his underwear. Not because I want to do that, I just find it funny to play with it. Am I still drunk?

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear a raspy morning voice say, softly.

"I actually don't know," I answer softly, moving my hand from the hem of his boxers, to his neck instead.

"It's really weird," he whispers, his face so close to mine, as it can get, without touching.

"What's really weird?"

"You acting like this. It's not you," he smiles. Suddenly I get a weird thought. He's right, I'm not acting like myself at all. Does he even like that?

"Do you not like it?" I ask, a little afraid of the answer.

"I need to get used to you not being so serious all the time, but at the same time, it's all I've ever wanted. Literally," he laughs.

"Do you want this?" I ask him, rolling up on top of him.

"Well, it's a start."

"You're disgusting," I smile, brushing a curl away from his forehead.

"You're beautiful," he says, his eyelids getting droopy.

"Are you still tired?" I grin.

He rubs his eyes, then place his hands on my lower back.

"I love you," He says, sleepily squinting at me.

"I love you too," I say leaning down, very close to his face. He stretches his head a bit, trying to reach my lips, but I'm too far away for him to reach. He puckers his lips, and slightly lifts his neck up a little. I lean back. Peeta gives up, and his head falls back down on the pillow.

"You're mean," He groans. I cross my arms over his chest, and rest my head on my arms.

"I still can't reach you," He says sleepily.

I hide my lips in my arms, but as I smile widely, I can feel the corners of my mouth sticking up from my arms.

What do I have to do for a kiss?" He asks, moving one of his hands up to my cheek, stroking it.

"Hmm... I want cheesebuns and pancakes," I say teasingly, knowing that he's going to complain.

"That's going to take forever!" He groans, rolling with his eyes.

"Then, no kiss for you," I say, sliding down under the covers. Peeta grabs my wrist, yelling:

"No!" as he pulls me up again. "Fine, I'll do it."

I laugh, and makes his lips meet mine. Both his hands are cupping my face, his thumbs stroking my cheeks. I run my fingers through his hair, messing it.
I feel the kiss deepen, making fireworks blow up inside of me. Peeta starts to sit up in the bed, pulling me with him. My legs wrap around his waist, as I feel him getting up from the bed, not breaking the kiss. My arms snake around his neck, so that I don't fall. Soon, I feel the couch against my bare thighs, knowing that Peeta carried me out into the living room, and placed me on the couch. He positions himself inbetween my legs, kissing me so intensly, that I have to lean back. I move away quickly.

"I love you," I say, running my fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead. Before he can say anything, I attack his lips again. I wasn't done, I just needed to say it. I still feel guilty for not confessing sooner, so I can't get enough of saying it right now.

After a long time, we break away, leaning our foreheads against each other.

"I love you too," he smiles. "Check on the tributes, I'll go start baking," he says, pecks my lips once, and leaves, to go to the kitchen.

I turn on the tv, and switch to the 'Capitol TV' channel, where Caesar has just started running over the remaining tributes, and the tributes that died tonight. The girl from Five died from dehydration, the girl from Ten, starvation, the girl from Two, blood poisioning, and then the girl from Four.. Nova's ally. Ylja's brother found them, and attacked them. He killed the girl from Four, and then Nova attacked him. It was a violent fight, and Caesar says that everyone was sure that one of them was going to die, but Ylja's brother got away. The screen switches to Nova, who's trying to stop a serious wound from bleeding.
I decide that I can't watch this right now, so I hop in the shower.


When I get out, the smell of freshly baked goods hits my nostrils. I put on a soft nightgown, remembering to put on a bra as well, and walk into the living room again. I dump down on the couch, and a few moments later, Peeta comes with a big tray of food on it. He places it on the coffee table, and sit down beside me. I pull one of the plates up on my lap, and start eating.

We eat mostly in silence, occasionally kissing or cuddling, or commenting on something stupid someone did in the arena. It's not really interesting, nothing is happening, until the screen shows Raze pulling Ylja's top off. Oh my God. His hands just unhooks the bra, and the camera people realizes what's happening, and they start recording someone fighting with a lizard mutt instead.

Raze's POV
To be honest, I don't know what is happening. Only that both of us want this.
Only one of us is going to survive, maybe even none of us. And I want my possible last time to be with her. And she wants the same. That's at least what she told me. She unbuckles my belt, and without hesitation pulls off my underwear. I do the same to her. The last clothing item that keeps us from being completely naked is my shirt, and she basically rips it off.

Next thing I know, it's done. We're doing it. It happened. It is happening.

Peeta's POV
"You know what I find unfair? That I am almost completely naked, and you are completely covered up," I say teasingly to Katniss.

"You are so disgusting," she laughs, pecking my lips, and get up from the couch.

"Wait here," she says, strutting into the bedroom.

Katniss' POV
I walk into the bedroom, close the door, and throw all my clothes on the floor. I search around in the closet, looking for the sexiest underwear I can find. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I want to do this for some reason. I find a black lacy bra, and some underwear that doesn't really cover anything, but I go with it. Then I put on a silk morning rope, and undo my braid, messing my hair around a little. I find some black heels in the closet, and know that they will make my legs look better if I wear them.
Don't mess this up, Katniss, I think to myself. I walk out into the bathroom, splash some water in my face, look up into the mirror, and take a deep breath. You got this.

I walk out of the bedroom slowly, and Peeta's jaw drops when he sees me. Just the reaction I had hoped for. I seductively walk over to him, showing off my legs.


I grab the collar of Peeta's shirt, and pull him up, very close to me. I rest my left hand on his hip, and my right hand on his neck. Both my hands start rubbing him where they are placed.

"Hold me," I whisper.

His arms slowly wrap around my waist, as he looks confused at me.

I lean into his ear, as I secuctively whisper: "Undress me."

I nibble at his soft earlope, and when I pull away, he looks even more confused at me. I just smile, and place a lingering kiss on his lips. Finally he realizes that I mean it. He unties the knot that keeps the morning rope together, and looks at my body. Then, his hand moves to my shoulder, slowly pulling the rope off. Soon enough, it's on the floor, and he starts kissing me intensely.

So. much. hunger.


Wasn't that just sexual?😏 I honestly don't even know where I got all of this from, and I know that Katniss would probably not act like this, but I have my reasons, that I think I am going to reveal in the next chapter.😂

Also, I am sorry for this chapter being all over the place..

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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