Chapter 29

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Katniss' POV
I've been staying mostly with Peeta for the last week, well, actually, all the time. We've been hanging out during the day, and we've been sleeping together during the night. Prim isn't really happy with me not being home, but she understands. Kind of, at least. She's been visiting every single day, and we don't have much time alone. When we do, we literally have to sneak out of the Victors Village to avoid Prim.

"KATNISSSSSSSSSSS!" I hear an excited scream from downstairs. Peeta groans, and I sigh. Peeta and I still haven't even gotten out of bed yet.

"She's early today, huh?" Peeta asks. Peeta had planned something today, and we had hoped that we could sneak out, before she came.

"I'll go talk to her," I sigh, and jump out of the bed. Peeta grabs my wrist, and pulls me back in.

"We aren't done."

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"KATNISS!" Prim squeals.

"Give me a kiss," Peeta says sleepily. I lean down, and peck his lips. He smiles at the gesture, and lets go of me.
I grab one of Peeta's shirts, and pull it over my head. It ends right under my butt, so everything is covered. I walk down the stairs, and Prim comes running, grinning.

"What are we doing today?" Prim asks excitedly.

"I don't know, but you are not coming with," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't you have school or something?"

"It's a Saturday!" She exclaims. "What do you mean by, I'm not coming with?"

"Peeta and I are doing something alone today. We need to be alone sometimes!"

"You're alone with him all the time!" She huffs. "By the way, when are you coming back to live with me again?"

"I'm not," I confess.


"I am moving out, Prim," I explain. Her eyes grow big. "Prim, I am pregnant, and married. Did you really think that I was going to stay with you and mom forever?"

"You're not really married." That's sort of true. Peeta and I did talk about this. We still haven't done our District's tradition with the bread, and we've decided to wait. So we're not actually married. Not spiritually, at least.

"Well, I am still pregnant."

"Can't Peeta just move in with us?"

"Prim," I sigh. "We'll hang out tomorrow, I promise. But I am busy tonight." Prim groans, rolls her eyes, and leaves the house. I walk up the stairs again, and throw myself on the bed. Peeta pulls me up into his embrace.

"Did you tell her?" Peeta asks, his lips buried in my hair.

"Mmh," I mumble.

"How did she react?"

"I think she's pretty annoyed, and probably angry with you."

"Why would she be angry with me?"

"I'm moving in with you. According to her, you're the one stealing me."

"Well, she has had you for 13 years. I think it's my turn." I laugh at his comment.

"That's very true," I grin. "I think that it's your turn, too." I turn around to face him. I place my hand on his cheek, and pull him in for a kiss. The shirt starts getting really hot, way too hot to wear. I pull off the shirt, and deepen the kiss. I press myself up against him, and his hands rests on my waist. He presses himself against me as well, and since he is the strongest, I end up falling down on the bed. Peeta positions himself on top of me, and he removes his lips from mine. He places his lips on my jaw, and kisses me all the way down my neck.

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