Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV
"Miss. Everdeen? Miss. Everdeen."

I am awoken by a hand on my shoulder. I have been staying the whole night by Peeta's bed, praying for him to wake up.
My arms are resting on the side of the bed, my head resting on top of them. I look up, and look at the doctor.

"Miss. Everdeen, Mr. Mellark should be waking up soon."

My eyes grows two sizes bigger, when I ask: "How... How do you know that?"

He gives me a slight smile, showing off some bejeweled teeth.

"In the Captitol, we have these special machines, that can tell us when the person in a coma is going to wake up. He'll be waking up in one to two hours," the doctor says, leaving the room.

I take Peeta's lifeless hand in my warm hand, and squeeze it tightly.

"Come on Peeta, you got this. One more hour, Peeta."


The first thing I feel, is Peeta's lifeless hand coming to life. I feel him tighten his grip.
I know that it's selfish, but the first thing I want Peeta to see when he wakes up, is me. I hover over him, waiting for him to open his eyes. And he does.

He waves with his long eyelashes, as he blinks his eyes open. An insane joy rushes over me, and I squel:

"Peeta! Peeta, thank god you're okay!" I stroke him over his hair, and lean down to kiss him. I don't know why, we're the only people in here. It just feels right.

It takes him a while, but then he kisses me back. He's probably confused over everything that happened, and where he is.

When he kisses me, it's like I'm being thrown back into reality. I'm playing with him again, the reason to why he was angry with me in the first place.

And then it happens.

The kiss deepens.

And I can feel the hunger starting to boil inside of me.

So I pull away, before this becomes too much.

"Your... Your heart stopped at one point," I almost whisper, when I pull away.

"Well, it's working now," he says in a muffled voice. Then he drags me down besides him.
I cuddle as far into him as I possibly can, filling out any space between us. He digs his face into my hair, taking in the scent. I can feel his lips pressing down on my scalp, giving me a light peck.

"I'm still angry with you, you know," he mumbles into my hair, but I can feel his lips contracting into a smile. He's not being serious about it.

"And I'm still sorry, you know," I say, mimicking his voice.
He lifts my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"It's not funny Katniss. You have seriously hurt me," he says, serious this time.

"I know and I am deeply sorry. But in two days we're married, and I won't be able to play with your feelings anyways."


I don't know how, but we're released from the hospital the later that day.
On the whole ride home, I don't know what to say. It's clear that Peeta is still not happy with me, and I understand him.
But then Effie breaks the silence:

"Katniss, your family is arriving at the train today for the wedding, together with the mayor of District 12 and his family."

My family. That means Gale. And also his family, since Gale is my "cousin". But, Gale in the Capitol? I almost laugh at the thought, but then I look at Peeta. He is just giving me such a hurt, angry look that I don't know what to do with myself. There's only me, Peeta, Effie, Haymitch and an avox in the car, so we can speak openly about Gale not being my family, and Peeta sees that opportunity as well:

"You invited Gale?" He almost hisses at me. Ever since he came clear with his frustrations towards me, he has not been holding back. I don't blame him though.

"Peeta, you invite family to the wedding," Effie says. Oh no, she should not have said that.

"My family isn't coming, may I remind you! Besides, Gale isn't family. And he isn't just a friend." Peeta says angrily.

Where is all this coming from all the sudden? He is usually never angry, and him being angry, makes me angry.

"Would you just stop being so angry all the time? What has gotten into you? How could you even say something like that? I'm not cheating on you with Gale!" I hiss back at Peeta.

"No, you can't cheat, if you're not in a relationship!" He says, raising his voice. A lot.
The car stops, because of traffic, and before any of us can react, Peeta is out of the car.

"What the hell did just happen?" Haymitch suddenly mumbles loudly.
Peeta's words hit me like a tornado, causing me to cry.

"Yeah, you deserve to feel guilty, sweetheart!" Haymitch yells at me.
"You really don't understand anything, do ya? Why do you have to be so stupid? I applaud that boy for dealing with you. I don't think you know how much shit that boy goes through, yet he still cares about you. A lot. Your life is so much easier, yet you only care about yourself all the time. I mean, his family isn't even showing up to that wedding! And, yes, boohoo for you marrying someone you don't love, but how do you think he feels? He is getting married to someone he loves, who doesn't love him back. How do you think that feels, huh? Have you ever stopped up one time, to think about what he feels?" Haymitch's words hit perfectly. Everything he is saying is true.
Except for one thing:

I do love Peeta.

I just don't know in what way.

"You could live a hundred lifetimes, and never deserve that boy." Haymitch shrugs.


I enter the apartment, and spot Peeta sitting in the couch, staring at something... A painting.

I can tell that he has painted it, and it's truly beautiful. And sad.

It's only painted in blues, and it's of a man, no, Peeta in a cave. The cave from the Games. But Peeta is not injured. It's him now, today. He has an angry look on his face, tears streaming down from his eyes. Two mockingjays are flying away from him, and it looks like they're in love or something. Me and Gale.

I can feel the tears pressing in my eyes, when he says: "Do you hate it? Just like you always do." He is still not looking at me.
It's true, I always hate his paintings because they're of the Games. But this one is by far the worst one. It's capturing everything he feels, and how horrible I treat him.

"Yes," I whisper. "Is that really how you feel?"

"Oh no, I feel a lot more." He gets up and walks over to me, standing very close, looking me deeply in the eyes.

"Katniss, I love you. More than you can imagine. And I hate you. I hate the way you treat me. And I hate myself for hating you. I hate myself for making you sad. I want to kill myself when I see you cry. I tried killing myself when I made you cry. And I hate you for being so stupid, and ignorant. But I also love you. I love everything about you. I love the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you laugh, the way you kiss me. And I love myself for being able to help you in any way possible. I love myself, when I can make the nightmares disappear, when I feed you, when I make you smile.
Katniss, you drive me crazy. I am going insane just thinking about you."


Yet another feels chapter lol.

Sorry for the mistakes, but I have a hair appointment lol.

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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