Chapter 35

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Katniss's POV
~4 months later~

I ate a chicken leg as I cut off Peeta's dick. It was a glorious moment.


"Peeta?" I call from the bed. Seconds after, I hear his loud foot steps on the stairs, and before I know it, he is helping me out of the sheets. He gives me a quick peck when I'm on my feet, and my belly a soft pat. Getting up in the morning can be kind of a struggle, when you are 8 months pregnant.

"Go take a shower, we have to leave soon," Peeta informs me, giving me a kiss on the jaw. The fatter I've gotten, the more loving he's gotten, so I'm receiving a lot of kisses in this time of my pregnancy. It might be because I probably won't get any love when the child is born.

"Leave soon for what?" I ask. Peeta crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head with a little smile.
"You forgot, didn't you?"
"Forgot what?"
"We're going to Raze's today. Did you have other plans for today?"

I let out a groan, and say: "I thought it was tomorrow, and yes, I did. I was going to keep Gale company while he hunted. But it's not a big deal to cancel anyway, he does it all the time himself," I roll my eyes at the last part. A second later, we hear a knock on the door.

"Speaking of the devil," Peeta says. "You want me to get him?" I shake my head, and walk over to the dresser. I open Peeta's side of it, and pull out one of his shirts and a pair of sweats.

"You know, I would really appreciate it if you used your own clothes, so mine wouldn't get ruined," Peeta complaints. I ignore him, drowing myself in the well-known smell of cinnamon and dill from his clothes.

He helps me down the stairs, even though I don't need help. I move to the door, and I'm met by Gale.

"Hey. You don't look all that ready. Something wrong?" he asks me when he sees what I'm wearing.
"No, I'm fine, I just forgot that we - Peeta and I - were going to Raze's today. I thought it was tomorrow. Sorry," I shrug.

"No, it's okay," he shrugs as well. "I'll leave now so you and your.." His eyes leaves mine, and look over my shoulder, as my gaze follows his to meet Peeta in what I can only describe as a 'sex look', with messy hair and only wearing his underwear. "..husband.. can get back to whatever you two were doing," Gale finishes his sentence in an unsure tone, looking at me to see if that's the status I want to have. A married, pregnant Victor. I nod and give him a small goodbye, before closing the door.

"Are you gonna go shower now?" Peeta asks, my attention turning to him.
"Why are you so obsessed with me taking a shower?" I ask him.

He gives me a shy smile. "Because," he says, dragging out the word while walking towards me. "I was wondering if you would mind me joining you?"

"Not at all."


"Katniss are you ready to go?" Peeta asks, entering the bedroom. Just then, I pull my shirt over my head.
"Yes," I answer. He walks over to me, taking my hand in his, pulling me out of the house.

We've been visiting Raze about once a week, just to make sure that he doesn't drown himself in depression. He still isn't over his losses, but he's getting better. Effie, who was nursing him, moved back to the Capitol a couple of months ago, because she got really homesick.

Peeta knocks on Raze's door, but doesn't hesitate to walk in, since he probably won't open the door anyway.

Peeta calls out for Raze to let him know we're here, and seconds later her joins us in the entrance. For once he looks nice. He's showered, wearing clean clothes, and styled his hair. He actually even shaved. (he's been a little scared of anything sharp having contact with his skin after he lost his eye, so he hasn't been shaving at all.) He's gained some weight since we were here the last time, which is good, since he's barely been eating. The heavy bags under his eyes are getting smaller and his bloodshot eyes are slowly regaining a somewhat healthy white color.

"Hey guys. Lunch is ready in about 10 minutes," Raze greets us.
"Lunch? You've cooked Raze?" Peeta asks, lowering the basket containing the meal he had been preparing earlier. We're usually the ones who bring food, since Raze claims he can't cook.
"Well, attempted to cook," Raze chuckles. "Make youself comfortable in the living room, I'll just go finish up in the kitchen."


Raze's POV
My lunch actually doesn't taste as bad as I thought. Katniss and Peeta keeps overwhelming me with compliments about how I look and how my attempt at cooking is really good. Just when I'm about to take a bite of one of the delicious buns Peeta brought, when we hear a knock on the door.
"Expecting someone?" Katniss asks, directing her attention towards me.
"No," I answer. The only people who's ever visited me has been Katniss, Peeta, Effie and Haymitch if Katniss, Peeta or Effie made him go. And of course Katniss's mother and sister who's been checking up on my health. But it's always planned visits. No one has ever just showed up like this.

"Shouldn't you get the door?" Peeta asks me. I nod and raise from the dining table, walking out into the entrance way. The person behind the door knocks again, loud and impatient.
"Coming!" I yell, but the pounding becomes more frantic.

I don't even get to see the face of my visitor, before the person throws their arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I can feel a big stomach against mine, meaning this is either someone really fat, or really pregnant.

"Raze, oh my god, I've missed you so much!" The person cries. I pull away to look at the person.
"Hill? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.
She looks nervously around, and then asks with pleading eyes: "Can I come in?" Before I even get to answer though, she shoves me out of the way, walking in and closing the door behind her.

She takes a deep breath, looks me straight in the eye, and pulls off her short, blue wig, revealing her natural, long blonde hair. Then, she walks straight into the bathroom, and closes the door behind her. I hear the water beginning to run, and Katniss and Peeta joins me in the entrance. Shortly after the door to the bathroom opens, and I almost faint by the sight.
"This isn't possible," Katniss whispers.
"But.. You're dead," Peeta follows.

"But I'm not," Ylja answers.


Yeah, don't worry guys, Peeta still has a dick🌚 peetabaesically kinda made me write that sentence😅

Anyways, Ylja's back.. WHAT
Nah, y'all had already guessed it so😂😂

And I'm sorry for the late update, but I've had a lot of problems with putting this chapter into words soooo....

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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