Chapter 22

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Raze's POV
Bang. That's the canon. That's it. Three left. Ylja, me and either Ylja's brother or the girl from 9. It's night time, so I guess we'll find out soon.


The National Anthom starts playing, and we crawl out of the cave. The person that is dead, is the girl from 9.

"To be honest, I didn't think that he'd make it this far. He was one of the worst ones in training back in One, and he lost his hand the first day," Ylja mumbles besides me.

10 days. I think that this is the quickest Games ever.

"What the hell is that?" Ylja asks quietly, pointing at a shadow in the dark. In between the cactuses is standing something. Something gigantic. It slowly moves closer, and the moon light hits it.

"It's a mutt," I whisper back. "Stand still."

It's a big kind of lizard-thing... The body is actually more like a snake, but it has lizard legs. Then I realize that there is two more heads attached to it, than I saw before, making it have three heads.
And then it spots us.

It hisses loudly, and jumps foward. We get up on our feet and start running away from the mutt, as more appear behind us. I feel something sharp digging into my back, pushing me down onto the ground. I turn around and look into the mutts eyes.

"ARGH!" I turn to look at Ylja, and the mutt over me bites down into the ground, where my head was before, as Ylja trows her mace after another mutt. I hear another hiss, and turn to the mutt. I wiggle myself a little away from the mutt, getting my tomahawk out. I slam the blade right into the forehead of the creature, causing blood to splatter everywhere. But the blood isn't red. It's green and fluorescent. As it hits my face, I feel the texture of it. It's gooey, kind of like a slimey consistency. After a second of it lying on my skin, I feel an indescribable stining, burning pain where the slimey, green gooey blood is resting on my skin, on my face. The mutt sprutters, coughing up more of the weird blood, before collapsing over my body. I try to push it off, as I can see more coming my way, but it's way too heavy.

"Ylja, help me! I can't get it off!" I yell over to Ylja, as I see her smashing one of the mutt's heads in.

The green blood hits her face, and the spots start steaming. I soon realize that my face has steam coming of off it too.

She gets over to me, and we push the mutt off. With every movement the horrible pain of the blood on our skin comes back. As more mutts come towards us, we start running.

"ARUGH!" Ylja groans in pain, as she accidentally steps in a pile of the green blood. Her shoe starts etching away. A glance at her, realizing that the skin in her face is etching away, as well.

"I.. I can't run! The skin of my sole is gone!" She whines. She stops up, and falls down into the sand. The mutts are coming closer with every second, so I pick her up, and throw her up on my back. I start running again. She locks her arms around me, clinging onto me.

Finally, they stop following us. I stop up, and pant more than I've ever panted in my whole life. My face is burning up, but I can't imagine what it must feel like to have your sole burned off.

"Raze.. They chased us to the Cornucopia.." Ylja whispers from my back. My panting stops, as I look around.
We both know what this means. In a couple of hours, one of us, maybe both of us, are dead.


"Better?" I ask Ylja. We're hiding inside of the Cornucopia, waiting for the big battle to start. Waiting in fear for a canon, meaning that we'll have to kill each other.

I put a bandage, I found in my backpack, around her burned up foot. The burning has stopped, but just the least little brush of anything, makes it hurt again, as the skin has etched down to the flesh, giving us both many red patches in our faces.

"A little," Ylja answers, trying to stand on her foot, but her facial expression contracts in pain. I pull off my shoe, and hand it to her.

"It's a little too big, but the sole is really soft. It might not hurt as much."

"Thank you," she mumbles, pulling on the shoe. It way too big, but you can tell that it helps a lot with the pain.

She crawls over to me, and kisses me. Our lips move in sync, filling me with happiness.

When we pull away, my stomach starts growling.

"I'll go find something to eat," I say, getting up.

"Don't go too far, and if anything happens, call for me," she says, following me all the way to the edge of the Cornucopia. I nod, and give her a long, lovingly hug, since you can never be too sure at this time in the Games. This might be the last time I ever touch her.


I've been searching for a good hour, without luck. This is so annoying. I am starving, and I'm pretty sure that the Gamemakers removed all f--


I turn to see Ylja's stomach being impaled, as her body falls down in front of me.


Cliffhanger lol.
Let's just say that Ylja had a Rue moment lol.

I know that this chapter was short af, but I might update tonight, since I'll be continuing to write, after this chapter is posted, so yeaaah.

(Btw, the girl Ylja is based of off, YljaVanderWerf , knew that this would happen, so she is ok with being killed off lol)


🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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