Chapter 15

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Katniss' POV
We've already gotten a lot of money from the Sponsors. Peeta is walking fast in front of me, sometimes wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I have to semi-run to keep up with his long, quick steps.

"Peeta, why do we have to hurry so much?" I pant, after a while of running after him.

"We have to stop them, before too many people realize what's happening," Peeta replies angrily, not stopping or turning to me.

We get to the Victors Lounge, and enter the room with a sign over it, saying: "SPONSOR GIFTS".

"How does this work?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

"We could watch the video, explaining what to do," Peeta says in an annoyed tone, walking over to a screen. He starts tapping on it in different spots, and suddenly a Capitol man appears on the screen. The person has insane green makeup on, and a bright yellow wig.
He explains what to do, and then a menu over what we can send and the prize pops up. Next to the screen is a little camera sticking out, and it takes a picture of us. Then, how much money we have, pops up on the screen.

"What can they use?" I ask.

"Water," Peeta replies.

We find water in the selection, and it asks how many liters we want to send.

"We only have money for about half a liter," Peeta mumbles.

"That's still enough to keep them going for quite a while," I point out, shrugging my shoulders.

After we've picked out the water, we get to write a note.

"What about 'Save it for later'?" Peeta asks. "They're not supposed to drink it now, I mean."

"Sure," I reply.

Peeta enters the words: "Save it for later. -K & P" on the screen. Then, he sends it to Raze and Nova. The screen changes to where they are sheltering, and we wait for the parachute to drop.

Raze's POV
I hear a plop outside the cave. I slowly pull away from Ylja's soft lips, even though I don't want to. She is breathing onto my lips, and staring at them. Then, she looks into my eyes.

My hands let go of her face, and we both get up, and go outside.

"Parachute!" Ylja says, quietly, but excited. I pick it up, and we both enter the cave.

"It looks different than the normal ones," Ylja says, examining the parachute. I shake Nova and she wakes up. Her eyes grow big when she sees the parachute.

"I got it!" Ylja smiles. Nova and I crawl over to her. She clicks on a little button and a tiny hatch opens. A little piece of paper flies up.

"Safe it for later. -K & P" Ylja reads. "It's water. Raze, hold it, but don't drink it."

Ylja starts rummaging through one of the bags. She finds one of the bottles for water, and then she takes the parachute again. She starts pouring water from the parachute, into the bottle.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask.

"There are several oasis's, with poisonous plants and berries. We can pick them, fill up the parachute, and throw it at tributes. They'll eat the berries, and die," Ylja explains.

"How do you know?" Nova asks.

"Overheard some Gamemakers," she laughs.


Katniss' POV
Peeta left when Raze and Ylja was looking romantically at each other. What is up with him? When I've seen everything they've done with the parachutes, I head back to the aparment.

I find Peeta sitting on the bed, staring at nothing. He is sitting in the exact same spot, as when we kissed the last time. Where we both kissed each other, not only me.

"Peeta, are you okay?" I quietly ask.

Nothing. Not a single movement, sound, nothing. He doesn't react at all.

"Peeta, don't ignore me!" I say, a little louder. He slowly turns his face to me. His eyes are red and puffy, his face filled with anger. He is squinting at me, and his bottom lip is trembling. His cheeks are stained with, I am guessing is tears.

"Leave me... alone," he says in a rusty voice.

"Forget it." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Stubborn as usual, huh?" Peeta laughs slightly, still in an angry undertone. He looks down on his hands for a moment, and when he looks up again, his eyes are filled with tears. I feel my own tears pressing as well.

"Peeta, just tell me.. What is the problem?" I ask, slightly moving towards him.

"What is the problem?" He smiles slightly, still an angry expression in his face though. "What is the problem? Katniss, what do you think is the problem? I am married to someone who doesn't love me!" His voice makes me want to just break down and cry. He is in so much pain and he is so angry at the same time. Yet, you can still hear his love for me.
And how he hates himself for it.

"Peeta, I don't, don't love you," I say in a pathetic attempt to cheer him up.

"Then what do you feel?" He asks me.

"I don't know.." I whisper, the tears streaming down my face. His are falling too.

"You never do, do you? You just never know."

"Then, explain. Tell me what love feels like. Please, I want to know. I want to know what it is that I'm feeling, because I don't know."

"You can't explain the feeling of love. It's different for everyone. You just know. For me, it's every single good feeling exploding inside of me at the same time. Every exciting. Every craving. Everything positive at the same time, exploding, making me feel complete. Perfect."

"When do you feel like this?" I ask, my voice trembling. I am now standing in front of him.

"Every time I can feel that you are feeling something."

And that's when I know. My whole body is quivering, exploding with fireworks. Every single hair on my arms and legs are raising, giving me goosebumps all over. And then, even before our lips have met. I feel it.
I feel the hunger.

All the sudden, I have pulled Peeta up, slamming my lips against his. I feel everything good I've ever felt in my whole life exploding as fireworks inside me, as his lips aggressively attack mine, mine fighting right back. I throw my arms around his neck, still kissing him violently. I feel his hands moving towards my butt and my thighs, lifting me up. I lock my legs around his waist, as he pushes me into the wall. Our lips doesn't disconnect one second. I am pinned up against the wall, my hands exploring his neck and the back of his head. His hands are exploring my thighs.

We slide down into sitting postion, our faces so close that our tears mix. If anyone saw this, they wouldn't understand. No one would. But we do.

We are broken, destroyed and non functional, but we have each other. I am the only one who will ever truly understand Peeta, and Peeta is the only one who understands me.


I am so sorry for not updating these past two days, and that this chapter is so short, but school has been killing me.

-This haven't been proof read yet-

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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