Author's Note (kill me i know)

1.8K 51 10

lol this isn't an update either

You know, I wasn't really planning on doing his a/n so I don't really have anything to say, other than I HAVENT EVEN WRITTEN ANYTHING IN LIKE WEEKS AND I JUST CANT MAKE MYSELF DO IT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ASDFGHJKL
aka im a lazy lil bitch who has no idea why people still read this trash-fic.

One of the reasons why I don't really write here, is because I can't write "nicely" or whatever. I'm working on two other stories right now, and sometimes I'm like "dang gurl u got dis writing thang down" then I go to write Mentors and I'm like "forget i ever said anything i am pure trash what is this even"
but like
I don't wanna just leave this story non-completed, because that's unprofessional, and having almost 60k, I feel like I have to be somewhat professional.

Okay, yes, I do want to end this fic. First of all, I don't enjoy writing it as much anymore. Whenever I think about it I'm just like "bruuuuuuuuuuh 1500 words my ass" but I still do it, because I don't want to disappoint like 500 people. das not how i roll
Also, I have noticed that I've lost like 30% of my readers. And yes, that kind of takes the air out of the balloon, and kind of ruins it a little bit.

I have no idea if you can expect an update anytime soon, but don't expect a lot more. I'm trying to get his burden off my shoulders, and then put it in the past, so I can move on to bigger and better things.

I'm truly sorry for this,

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