Chapter 38

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Katniss's POV
"Okay, so we're just going to run a few tests on you to make sure that you and the baby is healthy," A Capitol doctor tells Peeta and I.

We arrived just an hour ago, and there's already a bunch of doctors in our faces. We had about 30 minutes to settle into our apartments in the Training Centre - the same ones as the last time we were here - and then Effie hurried us off to the hospital.

We nod to the doctor, and he gestures for Peeta to follow him, telling me that another doctor will come get me in a few minutes. Almost as soon as Peeta and the doctor are out of sight, mine shows up. She shoots me a blinding smile with her perfect teeth, and gestures for me to follow her.


She does a lot of stuff I can't quite explain. She performs everything quickly and informs me poorly. A needle here, a inspecting look there, is how I would best describe it.

"Okay, now I'm going to take one of your hairs from your head, and we'll run it through this machine that reads the DNA to make sure everything is good with the child. Okay?" She asks me, and I nod in response, knowing I don't really have a choice. She quickly plucks a hair from me and dashes into another room. Seconds later, I hear the sound of a machine running. I wait a couple minutes, and then she appears again, smiling nicely to me. "Everything seems good," she informs me. Then she tells me to leave, and I do.

I'm quick to find Peeta, and place a kiss on his cheek when I do. I look at his face and I instantly become concerned. His face is contracted in a hard expression, and he is barely even noticing me.

"What's wrong?"
"The doctor looked very concerned. He told me he had to re-run some tests and told me to wait here."
I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, and rest my chin on his shoulder, giving it a light kiss.

Peeta's doctor comes out a few moments later, the concern Peeta told me about before, still written across his face.
"Mr. and Mrs. Mellark, I'm afraid I have some rather unfortunate news," the doctor tells us. I feel Peeta tensen in my arms, and I find myself standing up straighter as well.

"Mr. Mellark has unfortunately, recently gone sterile."


He didn't say anything when the doctor further explained the situation and what had caused his new disability. He didn't say anything on the way back to the to the Training Centre. He hasn't said anything for the last two hours.

And it's driving me insane.

He's been staring at nothing for two hours now. Every time I've tried to say anything, he's not even acknowledged me, not moved a muscle. I don't exactly know why this is hitting him so hard. He already has one child on the way, and I'm not going to want another one, anyways.
"Peeta, please tell me what's wrong," I try, for the fiftieth time today. When he still doesn't react I decide to sit down beside him. I try again, a little more sternly this time; "Peeta. Answer me."
His face slowly turns to mine, bathed in sorrow. A painful sigh falls from my lips, along with his name, because seeing him like this is actually physically painful. My arms finds his body, holding him as close as possible. It's only now that I realize that he's shaking. Or maybe it's me. Or both of us.
"Peeta, it's gonna be okay. It's not like you won't be able to ever have children," I remind him softly.
"Katniss, she did this to me. My own mother made me unable to have children. You heard what the doctor said. This might effect things sexually, too. It's my own fault though, I should have told her. I should have been prepared. I should have known better than to keep something like this a secret." He pauses for a second, but I don't say anything, because I can tell that he wants to say more. "I don't deserve you, Katniss. You're way too good for me. And you don't deserve me either. you don't deserve some mentally messed up, handicapped, person who has lost his ability to do something as normal as creating life."
"You're right. But you have to switch it around. You're the one who's too good for me, Peeta. Not the other way around."
I know what I am saying is true. Peeta is so good to everyone and everything, so selfless. Even now that his mother took his ability to create life away, he's still blaming himself. Where with me, I always let my selfish thoughts act for me. If I were in his position, I'd probably be blaming everyone but me, yet still feel like a failure.
He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, and a deep sigh that sounds like he's been keeping it in for an eternity, escapes his lips.
"I love you," he murmurs into my skin, his warm lips, sending a vibrating feeling through me, the places they connect with my skin. I rest my lips in his hair, and murmur back: "I love you too."


Okay, so it feels like it's been FOREVER since I've updated lol whoopsie, but yeah, here it is! or here it was, I guess, since this is the end of the chapter lol.

Okay so, I don't know shit about being sterile, so Peeta's symptoms are gonna be based purely on Google and my imagination. On webmd or whatever that online site is called that always tells you that you have Ebola said that you can get "small, firm testicles", "problems with erections and ejaculation", "changes in sexual desire" and so on so yeah...

Well, I hope you are all going to enjoy the current toast baby that's coming soon, because you won't get any more😂

Proof Reader: lol me bc I'm too impatient to wait for peetabaesically

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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