Chapter 5

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Katniss' POV
Haymitch is outside the door. Peeta gets up, and unlocks the door, making Haymitch almost fall through the door.

"Why are you two not out there with the rest of us?" He grunts. The stench of alcohol hits me.

"Katniss isn't comfortable with the Victors... And I can't blame her. Johanna Mason was shoving her boobs in my face," Peeta explains. Oh how lucky I am to have him safe me from these kind of situations.

"She has nice boobs, right?" Haymitch says, and sends us a drunk smile.

"Haymitch, please stop," Peeta says, pushing Haymitch out of door. Thankyou-thankyou-thankyou Peeta.

He closes the door in Haymitch's face, and dumps down besides me again.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"I don't think there is more for us to do here. We could go out for lunch in the Capitol? For once we're actually allowed to walk around," Peeta says, letting a small laugh escape.

"Yeah, that would actually be really nice," I say. "But then we'll probably run into a thousand reporters."

"Aren't we used to that?" He says, getting up from the couch. He grabs my hand, and pulls me up. He accidentally pulls me a little too close, making us share the same breath. I look away from his beautiful blue eyes.

I walk past him, dragging him with me.


When we get out on the streets of the Capitol, it feels like everyone's eyes are on us. Are they not used to see Victors wander the streets? Maybe they're just starstruck.

After a while of staring, the street suddenly turns into a hell. Everyone is running after us, crying, screaming and even passing out. People are taking pictures.

And like anyone that survived the Games, our first instinct is to run away from the threat.
Peeta throws me up on his back, and start running.

"Peeta, set me down! I can run myself! Your leg! We'll be faster if I'll get to run myself."

But then I realize something. People are pulling in us. Our clothes, arms, legs, even hair. Anything for a glimpse of us. Peeta is most victimized, because he is on the ground. He is just protecting me.

After about twenty minutes of running, Peeta stops, catching his breath. I hop off him, and dry some sweat off his forhead.

"You okay?" I ask, concerned. He sounds like he is dying. And he is redder than a tomato.

"What?.. Yeah.. I'm.. fine!" He says, inbetween breaths.

"Let's.. find.. somewhere.. to eat... And water.. I need.. water.. too."

I laugh a little at him, before dragging him back on the streets.

We're really lucky. Peeta got us to a street, packed with resturants.

We walk down the street, hand in hand, sometimes kissing, since the street is packed with people. Colorful wigs. Everywhere. Ugh, they all look so stupid.

"What do you want?" I ask, turning my head to Peeta.

"I don't know. I'm good with whatever," He says, as he spots a paparazzi, and brings my hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly.

I stop up by a little, almost empty resturant. I skim over the options of the menu, that's been placed outside.

"You sure you're good with whatever?" I ask, not removing my eyes from the menucard.


"Then we're eating here, I say, lifting my head. "Lambstew and cheesebuns."

Peeta nods, and we enter.

"Hi, a table for how ma- Oh. My. God!" The waiter greeting guests squels.

"Please, don't scream. We've heard enough of that already," Peeta slightly laughs.

"Of course you have! Victors usually never go out in the open!" She exclaims.

It makes sense. Every single Victor hates the Capitol. Maybe execpt for the Careers.

"Can we please be assigned a table for two?" Peeta asks politely.

"Of course! Outside or inside?"

I would love outside, but there's going to be too many people. And like Peeta can read my mind:

"Inside. In the back, maybe? You know, a little privacy."

"Of course!"


We're lead to the back, where no one can see us. It's completely dark, but the waiter lights a candle, making it very romantic. Of course.

We instantly make our orders. I of course choose lambstew with a cheesebun on the side. Peeta orders a juicy steak, and asks for a water to come as soon as possible. It arrives right away, and the chugs the whole bottle, ordering one more.

Shortly after, our food arrives and we dig right into it. The lambstew is amazing, but the cheesebun is not nearly as good as Peeta's.

After a while, Peeta asks: "So.. Any ideas for the wedding?"

"Getting it broadcasted. Making it as cheesy as possible. Our lips being destroyed afterwards." I answer, coldly.

"What do mean?" He raises an eyebrow at me, confused.

"President Snow, remember? He's going to kill our families if the Districts won't believe our love story. We have to act insanly in love," I explain.

"When is it again, it's soon right?" Peeta asks, popping a piece of the steak in his mouth.

Then I remember.

"It's the day before the interviews," I whisper.

"What? I couldn't hear you?" Peeta asks, but I ignore him. I can feel the tears pressing in my eyes. I won't cry in front of Peeta though, he'll just feel bad. I am going to be married to Peeta in five days.



Sorry for the short chapter. It was just kind of a filler.

So what do you think about Katniss and Peeta getting married so soon? Lol.
The wedding will be in three or four chapters.

And I would also like to hear, if I should do Raze's and Nova's POV in the Games? Because I think it's going to be pretty boring to ONLY hear Katniss' and Peeta's POV, while watching the Games.

Also, I don't know if I'll be able to post on tuesday and wedensday, since New Year's lel.

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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